3: Arrival into the warzone

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The next morning Evangeline was once again packing her bag, this time with a lot more equipment.
She  made sure her multiple med kits, clothes, poncho and blankets were packed before adding the rest of the  kit. She put her  journal back in the Brest pocket of her  army jacket.
Evangeline had been using the journal to copy down some notes and a few diagrams from the lectures the corpsmen had to sit through.
She changed back into full uniform and platted her  frizzy ginger hair into a french braid and hooked the strap of the helmet onto her bag pack.

Evangeline was also given a smaller bag which had more medical equipment in it such as sulphur power, morphine and gauzes. also strapping that to the side of her pack.
" All right!" The MPs shouted "load up!". Everyone cleared their barracks and clambered into the back of vans and small cars.  Everyone would be told their  company once they  had pulled up to it in camp, even though Evangeline know she would be most likely going to King company, the MPs could change their minds at the last minute adding to the nerves that she already had.

" You alright Yoet?" Another corpsman who she  had befriended during her time here asked.
His name was Alister Bates.
" yeah i am, its just- this is it" Evangeline spoke fiddling with her  bag pack buckle as they  sat in the trucks waiting to go.

" Hell yeah this is it, we finally get to kill some Japs!" Another marine interjected from next to Bates.
"Yeah, finally" herself and Bates replied nervously as Bates shoved a cigarette in his mouth and offered her  one. Evangeline  didn't smoke but she took it anyway slipping it into her front pocket, nodding thanks as the van finally pulled away.

"King company!" The driver shouted as the MPs stood up to read the names out. He read through the new recruits first and then got onto corpsman. "Yoet, Evangeline, your up, get out and let's move !"
Evangeline  quickly grabbed her  stuff and jumped off the van. " Good luck Yoet, maybe I'll see you out there!" Bates yelled after her as the trucks pulled away and he was taken to his part of the number of companies. She  smiled slightly and waved back turning away to look for the people in charge who she learned was Captain Heldaine and Hillbilly.

" Excuse me, I'm looking for Heldaine and Hillbilly?" Evangeline  asked a group of men who were sat on wooden benches outside of their tent.
"Come to keep them company?" One of them joked.
"Chuckler! Come on!" Another one scowled his friend. Unlike Chuckler, who had a round face, black curly hair and shit eating grin permanently slapped onto his face, this man as very handsome and had bright blue eyes.
"Ignore him, I'm Bob, Bob leckie" he said holding his hand out for her  to shake. She did as he now smiled brightly as she returned it , " H company"
"Our camp got smashed last night, hence why the rest of us who survived are crowding King company" A skinny man spoke. " I'm Runner by the way" He put his cigarette out on the bench next to him and shook her hand.
" Nice to meet you, I'm Evangeline Yoet, I'm the new corpswoman for K company" She  smiled at the three of them whist tucking a piece of hair behind her ear that had fallen out of the  braid.
"Lucky K company eh?" Chuckler grinned looking Evangeline up and down, this caused runner to hit him up side the head. "Ouch-fuckin' A aright" he grimaced rubbing the back of his head making her chuckle slightly.

"Heldaine's tent is up the path to the left" lecky said pointing down the dirt path.
Evangeline nodded thanks and turned to walk away when leckie yelled after her . " Yoet! wait!".

He smiled jogging up behind her, handing her  a piece of crumpled up paper, "Heres our company address, keep In touch".

"Thanks" Evangeline  smiled shoving the paper in her pocket.
"And Yoet?" Chuckler called out, " try and keep out of the sun, gingers can burn easily!"
" Fuck you " she joked flipping him off and running off towards Heldaine's tent, smiling  hearing the rest of the boys laughing at him.

The corpswoman (Based off of the HBO mini series 'The Pacific'.Where stories live. Discover now