8 : Goodbye Sir

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Evangeline was now back out with the Marines, running over Muddy terrain , dodging bombs, shells and bullets that were being shot at them and once again struggling with the injuries that the marines were suffering even with Lewis' help.
"Yoet! Get over to Hillbilly!" Heldaine yelled over, " Sledge!, Snafu!, Burgin! Get a stretcher, bring him back god damn it!".

The gunfire and explosions were deafening, Evangeline's ears were ringing as she sped over to Hillbilly. The boys weren't that far behind her with the stretcher. By now everyone was getting more and more fed up with running and blindly shooting at the enemy, but it had to be done so they could all hopefully go home. Evangeline finally reached Hillbilly and crouched down next to him. He had a pretty bad abdomen wound.

"Ok sir , hold on for me" she said as the boys set the stretcher down next to them.
"Anything for you Rags" Hillbilly groaned through gritted teeth.
"Snafu, sulphur him please" she shouted pulling bandages from her pack.
Shelton did just that.
Hillbilly groaned as the boys hauled him onto a stretcher and she pressed the gauge down on his wound.
"Keep him as still as possible- I'll catch up, Hurry!" Evangeline started running off to another corpsman  call.

The boys began to carry him back as carefully as they could but it was short lived. Evangeline breathed heavily as she treated another marine and tagged him to another aid station and corpsman, Lewis to be precise. She nodded thanks when he slid over to her and took over so that she could carry on running after hillbilly and the mortar boys, who were still trying to get to cover.

A shell had blown up next to them causing Shelton to fall over, Evangeline's heart dropped as she saw another spurt of blood erupt for Hillbilly's chest.
Hillbilly was dead. But she refused to believe it.
Evangeline ran across the battlefield as fast as she could, not caring if she got hit. "Oh fuck!" Shelton shouted as she caught up with them and heaved the stretcher up with them.
"Fall back!"Heldaine  screamed at the company in desperation.

They finally managed to get moving again taking hillbilly across the line, they ran past Henny , who looked like a small child. The poor bastard had tears in his eyes, the war had finally broken him.
"Get up here! Fall back!" Heldaine repeated, making them move fastener, running with Hillbilly's dead weight.
"Let's go!" Shelton keep shouting as they neared Heldaine and the rest of the company. They scrambled over the last huge rock and set him down behind it finally able to get some cover.

Evangeline squeezed herself between  Shelton and Heldaine, hoping that there was still some fight left in Hillbilly.
"Come on ... please' she begged under her breath as she felt for the smallest vibration of his pulse.
Evangeline was covered in fresh and dried blood , praying for him to breathe, willing him to open his eyes and shoot that smug grin of his.
Heldaine hesitantly put his hands on her wrists in  holding them away from Hillbilly's body and sighed in sadness and disbelief.
"he's gone, take him back"  Heldaine choked out poking down at the ground.
Evangeline clench her jaw, raggedly breathing in and out , Heldaine got up to and walked away .
Hillbilly's death was to close to home for all of K company , he was the second officer to welcome Evangeline and many others into the marines after Heldaine.
He was one of the best platoon leaders that K company Could have asked for and was Heldaine's right hand man from the beginning.

Evangeline felt her eyes burn, trying not to cry, she looked up into the sky, wiping her nose with her dirty hand, standing up and trying to compose herself before she accidentally   let out a small whimper whist  moving on to another injured marine.
"You cant save them all" Shelton sadly stated in an attempt to make her feel better.
"But that's not your job is it Shelton?" She snapped spinning around from her patient who looked as surprised ad Eugene , Burgin and Shelton.
" I can't shoot a gun- I can't kill no goddam Japs - My job is to help people, save people, and I'm as good as nothing if I can't do that" She blinked feeling a few strong tears fall down her face. Evangeline quickly turned back round to help Bates and Lewis with anther patient.
Burgin helped Henny off the floor, handing him a cigarette before hand, it was hanging out of his mouth loosely not even lit yet, he followed Burgin back to base.
That night k company were cooped up in their foxhole waiting for another attack from the japs. This was the worst thing about it, the waiting , you'd be fighting for your life one minute and then sitting around for hours on end the next.

The corpswoman (Based off of the HBO mini series 'The Pacific'.Where stories live. Discover now