7 : Peleliu, October 1944

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The amount of casualties and deaths Evangeline had to deal with over the past few weeks were enough to put her off nursing for life.

She briefly looked up from her 30th patient on the field to see Eugene helping Bates , (who had transferred from h company to aid k company), stop a marines guts spilling out of his body. He looked as exhausted and fed up as the rest of them. After another long day and night, to say the least she was happy to be returning to 'base camp' the next morning was an understatement.

Evangeline and Eugene both walked next to Hillbilly who stopped to light a the two cigarettes they both held between their fingers.
"You two used to not smoke" he pointed out raising his eyebrows at them both.
" I guess we do now" Eugene replied tiredly throwing his arm around Evangeline's small shoulders , making Hillbilly chuckle slightly.

Heldaine began to call out the orders as K company regrouped.
"CEO's report to me at 10:50, corpsmen do blister checks and bandage changes, draw ammo, be resupplied and be ready to move at 1100, go get your chow" he barked a small shadow of a grin on his face as Shelton shouted;
"1100?, Ack-Ack just gave us the morning off!"
Everyone began to run towards the chow tent, a couple marines shouting about getting breakfast like children on Christmas morning.

Whilst the boys tucked into their chow, Evangeline was still running around like a mad woman doing blister and wound checks along with the last of the jungle rot removal. After an hour, she had some time to relax, finding the boys, she sat herself in between Bill and Eugene. Shelton and Jay and Burgin sat along side them eating the last of their food.
"Here, we saved you some chow, so you wouldn't miss out" Eugene stated handing her a tin with some lukewarm food in it.
"Thank you" Evangeline breathed taking the tin quickly and shovelling the 'food' into her mouth. She was starving to the point where you could have given her a shoe and she would have tried to eat it.
"That reminds me" Evangeline called out struggling to swallowing the dry chow, " I need to give you boys a check before we leave".

They nodded and then got back to what they were doing.

A young boy in a black and blue shirt and Cream coloured pants, who was part of the resupplier team for the makeshift camp and was obviously oblivious to how exhausted all the marines were came up to the group. "Any of you got a jap sword or flag?" He questioned, " I'll pay a lot of money for it".
"No" Evangeline blankly said, the others not even bothering to look up at him.
" I didn't know the marines were taking in dames now days" he spoke crouching down to her eye, "How about you and me disappear for a couple minutes-" he started reaching over to touch the side of her face.

Evangeline flinched away, squinting her eyes at the now deemed creep.
"Get lost, leave me alone, no ones got any jap crap and if we did we wouldn't give it to the likes of you" she seethed, leaning back on the rocks behind her.

The boy scoffed standing back up, chewing the inside of his mouth, slightly embarrassed about the attitude towards him.
He suddenly lurched forward, booting Evangeline's cold chow tin out of her hand and grabbing the colour of her jacket, slamming her back into the rock she was resting on.

" Hey!" Eugene and the rest of the guys yelled jumping up trying to drag the boy off her. She eventually managed to spit in his eye and head butt him. Bill got hold of him and threw him to the ground, but took his hands off him when he noticed the boys face was already bleeding.
"Hey, if you want any Jap souvenirs I keep some in my ass, why don't you reach up and get 'em butt fuck." Bill taunted him, Turing round after sitting back down and shaking his ass in the boys direction.

" I didn't wanna go home empty handed asshole!" The boy spat, spitting blood in the process.
" Ain't no body going home" Shelton mused, once again, dazing puffing on his cigarette. "And so much as look at our corps-woman again and I'll make sure the Japs cut off your dangely bits and feed them to you" He growled, the change in his expression made the boy reel back wards and shuffle away , no longer asking for jap swords.

The corpswoman (Based off of the HBO mini series 'The Pacific'.Where stories live. Discover now