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One night she held a sigh,
And released to the zephyr.
She then, took one more closer to the center, as she tortured herself with destructive thoughts.

Cold breeze slips through her silk night gown and her deep black hair covering her face looking down on her hand gripping a knife.

With all anger and hatred, she grunted and then pierced through the kitchen knife to the middle-aged man sleeping on a soft white bed.

As she sat down on their wooden floor to relax herself, throwing away the knife, she hid her face with her forearm and paused.

The whole house was covered by a loud wicked laughter

She crawled to get the knife she threw, after taking it lazily, she stood up.

Going back to the now corpse husband, she covered his cold body with their warm thick white blanket.

The creaking sound of door was slowly opened by their 9-year old son.
He took a step inside and stood there filled with confusion.

"Momma, what have you been doing?"
He innocently asked.

She replied to him with a big smile "Momma's did redrum"
Added an insane look in her eyes

"I want redrum too!" He excitedly requested, thinking its something fun to do referred to the smile his mother gave him

"Well then, wait me in your room."
The boy happily went to his room and waited for her mother

Going inside,
she hid the knife behind her back
"Timmy, close your eyes as you spell redrum backwards"

He closed his eyes and said

She held a sigh..

HELLCOME (story and poem)Where stories live. Discover now