Way back then

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I. The house sleeps under the princess' whisper

At midnight in the middle of the abandoned, deserted town in the old Georgia, there were howlings that reverberates throughout the neighbourhood . There was noises at night that shakes the town's eardrum, it was no longer bearable for a man to bear for its constant continual each night. Annoying it was though for they cannot determine the sound it was coming from and the noise was something unknown and eerie they could not even begin to describe perhaps the anonymity of this noise pestered the people causing them to abandon their houses. The noise was heard as howling and eventually turns into a screaming that could shatter a wine glass into million pieces. Myths has it that in one particular house lies unearthly, supernatural happenings as reported by one guests back in 1500s that have visited and stayed at the house for a night, the time is twisted as if they stepped into a time machine that leaps by hours and then occurs strange noises. Different bone-chilling noise in the middle of the night, as well as cry of a babe and hums of a lady. Chorus whispers and cacophony breaths. The house sleeps when the lights are dimmed shut off, it is then when ghostly things starts to cease the visitor in their sleep.

Although the forgotten neighbourhood is abandoned by many people and the place seems to have been excluded from society, there was this one peculiar house which strike interest for the paranormal 'ghost' hunter. And so they traveled to this uncanny and ghostly neighbourhood. Upon arrival however, they were simply puzzled by its structure. The medieval walls of the house struck to their eyes, for they believe to be that the house in the small town is built in victorian era or perhaps it was built inspired from the late times? this not only the walls have that evidence of medieval times but it was one separate roof of the house. It stood like a fortified manor from a European castle. They emerge themselves in the unknownness of this building, of this...house and spent a night with their eyes wide open, talking to themselves quite cheerily, they laughed their night until the time ticked to midnight. The howlings began and strange things shattering left to right frenzied these ghost hunters cramming to get their cameras and devices to capture these events. Were they excited or frightened? their hands become shaky as they hold the recorder and the camera, "Is there anyone else with us right now?" one paused making time for the unknown to respond between the interval before she continues "What is your name?" the voice trembled as there was screeching heard on the nearby painting on the wall. With sinister cut on the art, it drew ' BEATRICE ' before the painting falls off followed by a shrill voice coming behind their ears. Lest they must leave at once, but their feet moved no further and stayed, and recorded some more "Is there something you want to tell us?" after the long pause the heavy breathings became the only noise in the place, they played back and intently listens to the recording, after hearing the question there was fading in of whispers and that filled the recorder until the noise became static and a thin resonating noise that ached their heads. As they stopped the recordings their time have leaped to 3 in the morning. They were baffled but they had no time to process how it leapt to 3 O'clock with few time spent that can be estimated for a minute or so in the recordings and with such few movements they have made in such time. As they calculate, another sound came from the distance, to their left. One hush all of them to silence and listen to yet another chilling sound. A babe's wailing faded out as another sound rendered them all speechless and afraid. The hummings of a woman to a babe with her soft melodramatic tune made the babe sob from wailing and soon perhaps fell asleep, but the humming still continued despite the babe's silence of slumber. Everything went silent then, after the time ticked 4 in the morning there was pure deafening silence in the house, the heavy atmosphere turned to normal misty early mornings of Georgia. As if the house sleeps. There were no lamp nor oil around the house and so they walked in the pitch black place where they discussed the situation that happened just earlier. Perhaps in exhaustion or swept by the humming, they somehow fell asleep to the foot of the staircase, not one eye open for alert. Until awoken by a strange cold whispers on the face, awoken with their hairs stood up.

II. The witches

The ominous, baleful and ever-so-scary witches has been well-known as myths to scare many people. their power was twisted and brings calamities of unfortunates to one another. These stories have lived once, thousands of years before our race came. We know that these witches are evil and wicked but it was not like that before. Some believed they are spawn of evil, some say they are human that has wicked heart and so created deadly potion to harm others. But once upon a time, they were the first race ever granted knowledge of necromancy and language of magycks bestowed by the god but corrupted by the works of evil. There were only the race of witches that lived in the world and they are best known for creating medicines and food. But unable to reproduce for there lived no man. It was merry, peaceful and flowery world where they used magic for growing of the crops in the fields, enhancing the spice's flavors in their food to eat. Until the sky turned ash and there were clapping o thunders and lightning. Black and white angels seem to have a war. There were terror and pity plastered on the witches' faces as they witness the war from land, unable to help. Until the war has subsided and amongst the black feathered angels, one declares evilness in front of god to his creations. He then dropped an object to earth where the women has gathered. It fell on their field. It was black huge and thick. A book. Curiosity dwell in them as most of them had approached the black book. Those who touch and comes near to the book, brought sinister appearance to them perhaps a curse. Their long, black curly hair turned grey to almost bald, as their back crooked arch and nails turn into a claw. As if this book transferred evil spells and dark knowledge to the witches, they have seen the unwanted evil magic that turned their eyes white and red. they became hideous and ugly, the beautiful witches who had stayed afar from the magic the book spreads, they looked disgustingly at the turned witches. The ugly ones turned ferocious and futile after feeling their appearance with claw hands, there planted evil hearts on their chest , despising the beautiful ones. They went about killing each other until there are only few of them alive. Some went on hiding in the forest , some in the caves and deep waters living with the loneliness and some used black magics to harm others. Until everyone went on to hidings in every shadow corners of god's garden, and the god thought it has been emptied by the evil works and so he added man which found a good witch and reproduced, increasing the population with men and women. Thousand years have passed, the childrens that steps in the forest of the good witches' territory will find the way out of the forest's way. However, those who steps under evil witches' territory will be devoured as their hatred to the descendants of the beautiful witches surface and to also feel and be young.

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