10 steps away

26 2 0


A man of honor will follow this order:

Ten. Make a reasonable explanation

Nine. Speak to the person, commit a negotiation

Eight. Firm your handshake for the great affirmation

Seven. If turned to disagreement ready for complication

Six. This is where it begins the frustration

Five. Prepare your pistol, wait for indication

Four. Be aware of his reaction, read the situation

Three. Both must take ten steps for separation

Two. Be quick to aim, its time for annihilation

One. Live to win the duel in this civilization


"Breathe in and smile, look him in the eye. Buy no time, aim high, aim for the sky "

Then i opened my eyes, saw you
standing there and already took your shot

Drop dead as ice, saw the bullet coming, then sudden flashback filled my thought

Your bullet mid-air, do i aim my gun on you

What happened to the friendship we built, us two?

Ive done a lot of things, just wait and you'll see

If i pull the trigger, is this how you'll remember me?

My first friend, became my first enemy

Didnt think you'd be the one to help me,

then also shoot me fall on my knee


His eyes met his gaze, he took ten steps away.

Take a glace at his face, he wont live another day

Oh troy oh troy what'd you do to this boy?

Shot him in the field, bullet between his ribs

Fell on the knees, his breath soon will cease

Took his father's hands "i will soon taste peace".

Philip the son, he died in the duel

Oh Troy How could you be so cruel

--(Inspired by Hamilton)--

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