Niall X-Factor One-Shot

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As I walked through the whitish-yellow painted hallways, I thought about how much I hated this job. Everybody here was just so rude, slamming doors in my face, yelling at me for not getting the right drink. I deserved better. But this was the only job I could find.

I was hired as an employee for the X-Factor. I was there to cater the contestants every single need. It was no different than weighing on hand and foot. Except well, I got paid for this.

The only thing that made me want to wake up in the morning and drive to this hell-hole was to see the cute adorable blond Niall, which I’ve known for so long. We’ve been childhood friends, and we did occasionally talk, even before he auditioned for the X-Factor.

But there was one teeny little detail that no one knew about me.

I liked him. I liked him a lot. Even when we were just kids in elementary school, I had a feeling that he would always pop up somewhere in my life. He’d never be gone for long.

Niall had auditioned for the X-Factor a month ago, and since then, I had made it my duty to spend as much time with him as possible. Without making it obvious that I liked him.

But yet, even when I couldn’t find him, we always found a way to be together. It was like if I wasn’t with him, he would try to find me.

Or maybe that’s just my imagination. Either way, there was no way that he could ever like me, out of all people. I was just another girl, and he was an upcoming star just waiting to be found.

“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” I heard a familiar voice howl. “Oh hi Niall! I thought you were in the food court!” I said.

“Well I was, but then they ran out of all my favorite foods, so I decided to go and spend some time with you… If that’s alright with you.”

“Of course it’s alright!” I replied.

He asked if we could go outside and eat, since it was more peaceful and there was less noise. And as he said that, I was thinking the same thing. We walked outside of the building, across the street, and into a little area that had little picnic table thrown around everywhere. Niall had picked a random one and sat down. I followed him.

Then the conversation began. I don’t really know how. I think we were just reminiscing about the childhood days where me and Niall would take turns pushing each other on the swing. Or maybe it was how in middle school we both thought that we would be ‘forever alone’, even though Niall had two girlfriends. I don’t remember really. It was like he was the only person there, and we were alone. I wanted it to stay this way. I wanted to catch this moment and put it in a jar so I could always remember it.

The clouds were turning grey, and the sky was darkening very quickly, but neither one of us noticed… Until it started pelting rain like never before. It was raining really hard. I couldn’t see anything that was more than two feet in front of me!

We both yelled in surprise. Afterwards, Niall shouted “Quick (Y/N) hold my hand! I can see anything and I don’t want to lose you in the rain!” I complied.

He ran across the street, but stopped in front of the building.

“Why did you stop? What do we do now?” I asked him.

He said ”This,” and pressed his lips onto mine.

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