Second Best

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Do you know what I find sadly, peculiarly, funny?

The fact that I was never someone’s ‘first option’ per say. I was always ‘second best.’

I’ve never been anyone’s first best friend. Not the first as in ‘we were friends first,’ but the first as in ‘you’re my number one best friend, no one comes before you.’

Don’t you remember when you would list your best friends in order?

That's what I mean. I was never the first; I was always the second, or anything below that.

I would be the second person you called, the second person to cry on. I was never a first choice.

I’ve been trying to figure out why this bothers me so much, and then I realized.

I wanted to know that someone cared about me a bit more than other people, than the others. I wanted to know I was someone’s first priority. The first person they’d go to if they had something on their mind, if they were going through a rough time.

And so far, I don’t know how it feels to be someone’s first choice, but maybe, just maybe... One day I will... So I’ll wait for someone... I’ll wait.

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