Shiro's escape.

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What's up all you Voltron fans out there!! I'm back again!!

I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and future chapters to come.

Story start~~~~~~~~

I lay in my bed, still red from the events that had happened just a few moments ago.


Our lips pressed together, filling me with happiness as Keith's arms held me close to him.

It was only a moment later that we parted, staring into each others eyes. He suddenly turned red and faced away from me, releasing me from his hold and rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered embarrassingly, "I don't know what came over me."

I chuckled, smiling as I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.

"Tell me Keith," I said, "What do you think of me?"

He looked at me with confusion, "What do you mean?"

I looked up into his eyes and answered, "Exactly what I said."

His face turned a deeper red as he looked away from me again, "Uh-uh I-I don't know how to answer that."

I sighed and let go of his hand, "It's alright, you don't have to answer. So, I will answer my own question about you. I think you're a good man with an even greater heart. Under that cold exterior, lies a warm and kind man named Keith Kogane."

He looked at me again with a slight happiness in his eyes. I grabbed Keith into a hug, mumbling under my breath.

"You do not know who much I care for you." I turned around and left Keith to wonder about what I had told him.

Flashback over~~~~~~~~

Since that moment, I've laid here with Luna, thinking about what I had asked him.

Suddenly, my door opened, revealing Allura in the doorway.

"Zurine," she said with a smile, "Won't you come and join us? I'm sure Shiro would want all if us to be there when emerges from the healing pod."

I smiled and happily got up with Luna, "I'm right behind you Allura." I said.

Luna and I followed Allura to the the medical bay. Everyone was there and warching Shiro in the healing pod.

"Hey Zurine," Hunk said waving at me, "How you doing?"

I smiled in response, "I'm fine Hunk. How is Shiro doing?"

"He seems to be having a bad dream." The yellow palidan replied.

"He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards," Keith said, "what dream could be worse than that?"

I walked closer to the pod and placed a hand on the glass. I gasped as pictures and voices flooded into my mind.

Shiro was on a table, Galra were surrounding him, but one was different.

He attacked the other soldiers and implanted something into Shiro's metal arm.

He released Shiro and told him that he had a bomb planted to cover his escape.

"I am Ulaz." The Galran said.

They snuck towards the door, where Ulaz told Shiro that if he needed help, to go to the coordinates in his arm.

"The Blade of Marmora is with you." He said.

I held my head, taking my hand off the pod and staggering backwards into someone's arms.

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