The Way Forward

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My vision was hazy as I opened them.

"Zurine? Zurine, wake up." I heard someone say.

I groaned as my vision returned to normal and the faces of my friends became clear.

"Guys, what happened?" I asked as I sat up, finally noticing that my wrists were cuffed behind my back.

"We were crushed by a gravity ray and knocked out cold. The next thing we knew, we were in here, cuffed and locked in." Keith answered.

I lifted my head and looked around at our confined space. From the dark atmosphere I could tell we were in a Galra cruiser holding area, otherwise knowm as the brig.

"What do we do know?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Zurine." Lance said as slid along the walls, "I'm gonna find a secret passage that will unlock this cell so we can escape."

"Is that what you've been doing for the past fifteen minutes?" Hunk asked as Lance kicked the wall near the door, which resulted in him wimpering in pain.

"Will someone shut him up?" Krolia asked from the front of the room, looking through the slot in the door.

"There's only one guard patrolling out there." She said, "If we can get this door open, we can overpower him."

Hunk looked around and noticed one person missing from our group.

"What happened to Coran?" He asked.

"He must be managed to hide when we were captured." Krolia said.

"At least we have one ally out there still able to fight for us." Allura said with hope and relief.

"Are uou saying our fate rests in Coran's hands?" Pidge asked.

Everyone slumped down.

"I will help you look for that passage."

I closed my eyes and relaxed, not much to do but wait for Coran. At least if I relax, I wouldn't be wound up for the upcoming fight against our captors.

I didn't move, and it looked like I wasn't even breathing. But unknownest to me, my body was outlined in a pale white light and my now shorter hair was slowly beginning to lose its gold highlights.

Shiro saw, from the corner of his eye and gasped at my slowly changing appearance.

"Guys, what's happening to Zurine?" He asked, drawing everyone's attention to me, resulting in their gasps of surprise and shock.

"What the?" Lance said speechlessly.

"What's with that light around her?" Pidge asked.

Allura stared at my suttle chanhes and gasped when she remembered her time in Oriande.

"This can't be..." She said.

"Allura, do you know what's happening to her?" Keith asked.

Allura nodded slowly, "I think so. When I was in Oriande, Zurine was there, but she looked and seemed very different."

"Different? How?" Hunk asked.

"Remember our battle with Lotor and shr had changed? She lokked like that when I saw her in Oriande. And her slow chanhes now are identical to back then."

"Okay, but why is this happening now?" Krolia asked.

"My guess is as good as yours. I can't say why this is happening, but all of her powers and abilities are strange and unknown to all of us." Allura said.

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