A New Defender

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Coran stood on the bridge of the Castle, watching a holo-map of the universe which showed us all sorts of planet coordinates.

"It appears that all of the planets we've engaged have been pacified, if not totally liberated." All of a sudden, the alarams began to blare.

"Wait," he said as he looked around the map, spotting a Galra battle cruiser heading for Naxzela.

Back on Naxzela, we were informed about the Zaiforge cannoms going offline.

"Sorry, Shiro. That's it for artillery support. What should we do about that cruiser?" Keith asked from the cannon on Senfama.

"That cruiser's gonna be too late. Naxzela's almost secure. We just need to take out the last of the heavy artillery." Shiro replied confidently.

"Until Naxzela is completely secure, we can't call victory." I said.

"On our left! Shield up!"

The Green Lion raised the shield while I gave it extra power from my moon side.

The battle cruiser above shot it's laser at us, but our shield blocked it. However, we all still felt the pressure of the laser.

With as much power as I could muster, I added it all to the shield while the Green Lion flung the laser back at the battle cruiser.

It exploded upon impact. We flew through the massive explosion and into the air.

We turned around, formed the shoulder cannon and shot back at the smaller fighters and stations below.

"White, how much power do you have left?"

"You've barely put a dent in my power supply. I could go on for ages."

"Ha, good to hear that. You ready?"


There were still a little left from the Galra, so, I gathered both my power and combined it with White's.

In front of Voltron was a small orb of quintessence energy, mixed with the power of sun and moon.

The orb expanded until it was about half the size of Voltron. Voltron raised his hands and threw it down with all its strength.

The orb hit the ground and encased the entire planet with light. When the light dissipated, there was barely any sign of the Galra.

Almost every piece of Galra om this planet, was gone.

I slumped back in my chair as we watched the light full dissipate.

"Zurine, what the heck was that?" Pidge asked.

"It was White's special ability. She's able to create a large mass of quintessence and let it loose in a massive orb, destroying anything White finds a threat, in this case, the Galra. And when mixed with my power, it becomes even greater." I explained.

"That's one powerful ability. Well done, you two." Allura praised.

"Yeah, that was so cool! Did you see that white light just take out everything Galra? That qas amazing, Zurine!" Lance exclaimed.

"Well done, Zurine. This is a great victory for the coalition." Shiro said.

I smiled, thinking for a moment that this battle was over and won. But, as life would have it, nothing good can stay for long.

All of a sudden, I felt something deep in Naxzela, and it was reverberating in my very core.

Just then, the ground began to shake.

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