Heart of the Lion

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We returned to the Garrison after we confirmed the location and condition of Hunk's family. He and I were very much relieved to know that his family was unharmed. Exhausted, but unharmed.

When we got back, I quickly went to Shiro and presented him with Allura his brand new arm.

He was excited and grateful to see a new arm for himself.

"Are you really sure this arm will work?" He asked.

I nodded happily, smiling brightly as I held the robotic arm.

"I promise this arm along with other mechanical limbs I'll create will be perfectly functional, easy to use and quick to get used to." I explained.

I continued explaining the source of power for the crystal. The crystal that I created for the arm is a very rare and special crystal. It uses natural energy created from the human body and transfers it to magical and mechanical energy for the arm.

Sam and the other Garrison scientists had gained Earth's most powerful energy source, that will help with the electromagnetic field fron Shiro's body.

With that source paired with mine, it should generate more than enough power to operate the arm.

The nerves will be connected to the shoulder while the arm itself will be separate from the body, giving it a wider and longer range for any reason or circumstance.

I was thanked for my work and the personal doctors of the Garrison as they took the arm, but I intervened.

I told them that this new technology paired with my crystals would be difficult for them, so they had no choice but to let me into the operation room so I could personally attach the arm.

Everyone from the team wished me luck in the operation and wished good will on Shiro.

I prepped for the operation and Sam assured me that I would be fine.

Hours passed by and the operation was complete. No signs of complications and the shoulder part of the arm was fully connected to the nerves.

A few minutes after the operation was a success, Shiro woke up, groggy and tired but otherwise healthy and okay.

"How are you feeling, Shiro?" Sam asked.

"Good." Shiro said softly, "I'm good."

I smiled gently, feeling relieved that my first ever operation went well.

"I'm happy to tell you that we've successfully attached your new prosthetic arm." Sam informed, "We just need to power it on and make any final adjustments. Zurine, this is all on you, now."

I nodded, grabbing the arm part of the prosthetic and bringing it back to Shiro.

"This arm is outfitted with the most power energy source Earth has, paired with a rare crystal I created. With these two energies combined, it should mimic a Balmera crystal's energy." I explained, "Be warned, this may feel a little strange."

Shiro smiled and nodded, "Do what you have to do, Zurine. I trust you."

I nodded, closed my eyes and concentrated on the arm.

The arm in my hands began to glow gold, light blue, then stopping on a soft pale yellow levitating in the air.

I flet Shiro's energy and connected it to the crystal. After about five or ten minutes of connecting and sewing the two energies together, I opened my eyes and sighed.

I looked up at Shiro, "Give it a try." I said.

Shiro looked down at the arm nervously and willed the arm to move. The arm spun around and the fingers curled into a fist.

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