Knights of Light PT. 2

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I held on to Keith as we were going through the darkness. As we flew at rapid speeds, I could feel the darkness become stronger and stronger with every second passing by.

It felt like hours had passed before we landed at our destination. I opened my eyes and looked around, speechless and horrified at the sight I witnessed.

Everything was dark. Everything gave off an intense dark aura which made me shake at the tension in the thick cold air.

The buildings far off in the distance in the valley below us, were familiar, and yet they were foreign to me.

It was Zarkon's home. We were on Daibazaal.

"Whoa." Hunk gasped, "Wait, where are we?"

Everyone else stood up and gazed ober the valley at Zarkon's once beautiful home.

"On Daibazaal." Alfor said.

"It's pristine. Last we were here, all was decimated." Gyrgan said.

I shook my head and leaned into Keith's arms.

"This is not Daibazaal." I said, "There is so much darkness and evil here. The Daibazaal I knew was filled with life and fascination. It was nothing like this."

"Zurine is right. The landscapes of Honerva's mind must be made up of places from her past." Allura said.

"Wait, hold up." Lance said. "If all of this is a big, old Honerva thought bubble, then wouldn't she know we're here?"

"About twenty years ago, the Garrison was able to map the human brain." Pidge began to explain, "They used a ventral metatronic reactor to read the thera-magnetic wave signatures of each of the subjects."

"Get to the point, Pidge." Lance said, already tired of the long explanation.

"A person's mind is an endless landscape of constantly shifting thoughts and ideas. We must be hidden in the chaos."

"Do you know this for sure, or is this just a theory?" Keith asked.

"Well, it's a theory, but if Honerva finds out we're in her mind, I have a feeling we'll know about it."

I looked over at Allura, who had not been in the conversation. I gently pulled myself away from Keith's hold and walked over to her.

Her eyes were closed and I could feel her mind twisting and turning with cluttered thoughts.

"Allura?" I asked, placing my hand on her shoulder to gain her attention.

She gasped softly at my touch and looked up at me.

"Allura, Zurine, where should we go next?" Keith asked us.

Allura turned around, her hand was now placed over mine. We knew where to go next, the entity inside us could feel it.

We looked up at the large cliff behind us and saw the once great palace of Daibazaal.

"The entity wants us to enter the palace." Allura said.

So, that's where we went. We trecked up the tall cliff and after an hour of hiking, we made it to the palace doors.

Allura and I walked up to the door and stretched out our hands toward it. But, just as we were about to touch the door, another hand stopped us.

We looked over and saw that King Alfor was the one who stopped us.

"Allura, Zurine, please listen to me." He said, "Alteans are life-givers and Zurine, you are too powerful to be taken by the darkness. The entity you two possess is a dark, ancient evil. It is not the key to winning this war."

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