Chapter 4

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Adrien looks at the black-haired girl. Adrien:are you okay? ???:yes. I'm just fine. She clenches her teeth angrily. ???:you wouldn't be wanting to talk to her. He turns around to see a girl with brown hair. ???:she's really mean. The brown-haired girl seemed guilty about what she told him. Adrien:maybe I could get to know her? A girl with blonde hair runs into the room and towards the brown-haired girl. ???:Alya! I got the interview! Alya:how would she know Ladybug? ???:because she said so. She also said she'll give me inside info on Ladybug. Alya opens her mouth then another brown-haired girl walks into the room. Lila:I hope you'll make me feel welcome here and I'll also tell you all I know about Ladybug. The black-haired girl walks out of the room leaving a book behind on her desk and Lila looks at it curiously. ???:if you're thinking about taking that book then don't you dare. Lila:I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I had a look. ???:Marinette doesn't want anyone touching her stuff. She'll be angry. Lila:she's not here so she won't even know. I'll put it back when I'm done with it. ???:okay. I warned you. Alya and the blonde-haired girl walk out of the room. Adrien goes to follow them but Lila grabs his arm and he looks at her. Lila:do you want to go to the park? Adrien:um. Okay. He walks out of the room and Lila looks at the book. 10 minutes later Lila is sitting on the park bench then she sees Adrien walking towards her and puts the book in the bin. Lila:hi Adrien. I wanted to tell you something. I'm a superhero, Volpina. Adrien:I never knew there were superheroes. ???:hi I'm Ladybug. Adrien and Lila turn to see a ladybug-themed superhero. Ladybug:you're Lila, right? Lila:yes, that's me. We're best friends. Ladybug:where are you from? Lila:I'm from Italy. Ladybug:that's strange because I've never been to Italy. I don't know what it's like there. I would really appreciate it if you didn't lie about knowing me. Lila:what if I'm not lying? Ladybug:I know everyone in Paris and I've never met the 2 of you. Lila:why are you saying this to me? I never did anything wrong. Lila runs away. Meanwhile with Marinette 8 minutes later. She walks back into the room and sees that the book is missing. Marinette:where is my book?! She looks around the room and sees something out the window. Marinette:is that Lila? Nooroo:she seems upset. Marinette smiles evilly. Nooroo:whatever you're thinking, don't do it. She walks out of the room followed by Nooroo. She walks into the girls bathrooms. Marinette:Nooroo, dark wings rise! Her outfit changes into a purple suit. She laughs evilly.

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