Chapter 8

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Volpina laughs evilly as Chat Noir and Ladybug follow her up the tower. Volpina:give me your Miraculous now or I will drop him! She swings Adrien around. Ladybug:I thought you loved him!
Volpina:not as much as seeing you two defeated! Volpina looks at Adrien. Volpina:no hard feelings, right? Chat Noir:no! I won't let you hurt any civilians! Volpina:you wanna bet on that? She releases one finger at a time on her grip on Adrien.
Ladybug:no! Ladybug starts to take off her earrings.
Chat Noir:if you drop him, me or Ladybug can always save him. Volpina:oh really? Then catch! She throws Adrien away from the Eiffel Tower. Chat Noir:no! Ladybug jumps towards Adrien and grabs him and wraps her yo-yo string around part of the tower. They land safely on the ground. Ladybug:go! Run! He runs away and Ladybug goes back up the tower. She gets to the top of the tower and sees more clones of Volpina. Ladybug:how are we gonna know which one is the real one? Chat Noir shrugs.
Ladybug:Lucky Charm! A chocolate popsicle appears and lands in Ladybug's hands. Ladybug:what do I do with this? She opens it and the inner wrapper is too bright. Ladybug:I've got an idea to take down Volpina! Chat Noir:with a chocolate popsicle Ladybug:trust me. Get ready. Chat Noir:Cataclysm!
Ladybug uses the shiny wrapper to blind the real Volpina, and Cat Noir uses Cataclysm to make a cage around her with the tower's metal. Ladybug:Trapped! Like a fox! Ladybug grabs Volpina's necklace. Ladybug:your days are over, akuma! She breaks the necklace, releasing the akuma. Ladybug:time to de-evilize! She captures the akuma in her yo-yo. Gotcha! She releases the white butterfly. Ladybug:bye, bye little butterfly. She throws the ice cream in the air. Ladybug:Miraculous Ladybug! The Miraculous wave puts everything back to normal, including Lila. Ladybug:Lila? Lila:Ladybug? Ladybug:I apologize if I did anything wrong but you can't keep lying to people. Maybe we could be friends? Lila:forget it, Ladybug. We'll never be friends. Lila picks up her necklace and walks away. Chat Noir:I don't know what to say about that.
Meanwhile with Ladymoth. Ladymoth:she's still angry. You're not done with Volpina yet, Ladybug. You haven't seen the last of her. Meanwhile back with Ladybug and Chat Noir. They jump into Adrien's house and see him with a blonde-haired woman. Adrien:look. They are the ones who saved me. ???:thank you so much for saving my son. I'm Emilie Agreste. Ladybug:I'm Ladybug and this is Chat Noir. Emilie:nice to meet you Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug and Chat Noir leave the house. 6 minutes later. Ladybug jumps through a window and detransforms into Alya. She puts her hands under her pillow and pulls out the book. Alya:why is this book so important to Marinette? Tikki:I don't know, but this information is invaluable. Alya:information? But it's all written in code! Tikki:I know someone who's been looking for this book for a really long time. He knows how to decipher the codes. Alya:so what exactly is so special about this book? Tikki:it contains all the secrets of the Miraculous powers. It's sacred and extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. He needs it back. Alya:who is this he? Tikki:the Great Guardian. And I think the time has come for you to finally meet him. 10 minutes later. Alya walks into a building and knocks on a door. ???:come in. She opens the door and walks into the room. She sees a old man. ???:hello Ladybug. Alya closes the door behind her.

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