The Tension

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Asher's POV

There were alot of Unfamiliar people in my house and the one that I'm waiting for isn't here yet.

I go to my kitchen and get some A cup of Pepsi. I turn around facing the front door.

The door flew open and reveal the most Beautiful girl in the whole room with her other pretty friends.

Its Annie LeBlanc. She was wearing a sundress.^^

"Asher!"Annie walks to my direction and hugs me for 5 seconds.

"Annie! I missed you"I smile

"Yeah Its been 2 years"She smiles back.

I stare into her dark brown eyes as she stares at mine.

"Heyy Asher" A Red head girl said as me and Annie broke our gaze.

"Nadia?"I look at her confused. I look at the guy beside Nadia...

Johnny Orlando

"Asher did you invite this Hoe?" Lauren whispers as she nudge my shoulder.

"I didnt" I whispered back. "What are you guys doing here" I asked Nadia And Johnny.

"I was just forced here. You see I didnt wanna come here-" Nadia Cuts Johnny

"You invited my little sister Ruby. Plus the More the merrier right?" Nadia smiles

I looked at Annie. She was Glaring at Johnny. I looked at Johnny and he was looking at me. God Why is this awkward

Jayden clears her throat "Come on Annie lets get something to drink!"Jayden pulls Annie to where all the drinks are while the other girls went to backyard.

It was only me Nadia and Johnny. The tension between me and Johnny is really thick that you can cut it with a knife.

"Your house is really nice Ash"Nadia said as she breaks the tension.

"Thanks.Enjoy the party...ok? No having any sexual shit on my bed or in my parents bed ok?" I fake a smile and left.

Annie's POV

Asher did not just Invite Nadia and Johnny. I look at Johnny not really look, But Glare at him.

He had the Fucking guts to come to my Welcome Home Party. I hate him. He even brought his side bitch.

Johnny was staring at Asher and vice versa. I could feel the tension between them. It was thick as hell.

Jayden clears her throat and say, "Come on Annie lets get something to drink" She pulls me to where all the alcohol drinks are.

"I need this" I said as I grab a bottle of  Vodka and a shot glass.

"Annie you dont drink" Jayden tries to stop me.

"I've been drunk a bunch of times now Jayden Dont worry" I say.

I pour the vodka in shot glass and drink it. It was bitter and disgusting But I still like it.

I get a cup and pour vodka in it.

"Annie You see this isnt what were gonna do here" Jayden stops me again.

"Jayden... Can you just let me get drunk for a night? Its my welcome home party after all. " I said and Took another sip of my vodka.

We went outside and party with the loud blasting music. We danced and sing our hearts out to the music playing.

"Annie come they are playing a game"Kenzie pulls me back imside the house. I see Asher,Carson,Anna, Lauren,Lilia,Greg,Hayden,Nadia, Johnny and other people I dont know sitting down on the floor.

"You guys are like 13 year olds"I laugh as Everybody turns their attention on me.

"Annie Care to Join us?"Nadia Asks

"No thank you" I smile at her.

"Since Annie said Truth or dare is for 13 year olds lets play. Truth or Strip .The rules are pretty much simple. We will ask you a question if u dont answer or dont wanna answer, You have to take off one thing that you're wearing "Nadia grins

"Fine. I'll Join" I said Confidently


"Who is gonna Join" Nadia Asked

No one is raising their hands WHY?! I HAVE TO STOP THIS

"It looks like Its Just me and You Annie" Nadia Gives me an evil grin

Oh shit...

2 hours ago....




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