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First, I just wanna thank you guys for reading this story although it's cringey and it has a lot of typos and wrong grammars.

To those who read this story since the beginning which was somewhere in January 2019, thank you for being very patient in waiting for the updates even though there were times that I didn't even update for how many months.

Thank you to the people who voted for this story, I was actually nominated for something and I didn't do anything about it💀💀

also we reached 145k reads I never thought a lot of people would read this story it's shocking.

I'am currently writing another story but it is a Ethan Dolan Fan fic. I won't be publishing it until I finish the story which may take me forever 💀

Also I mostly got the pictures from Pinterest and Instagram. I don't own any of those pictures.

Again, thank you for reading this story. Ily all and goodbye :))♥️

Edit: If any of the pictures aren't working please don't hesitate to comment on that page.

Johannie Instagram//Annie Leblanc //Johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now