I still love you

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Annie's POV

"Annie?" Johnny answered with a soft voice

" Asher left with Jack, Finn and Noah." I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"Do you want me to go there" Johnny asked


"Annie I know you love me more. You still wont admit it. Because your heart is in pain. I love you Annie and I never stopped loving you." Johnny said. What he said made my heart ache. I ended the call and went out.

There was a bar in the hotel so I went there, I went inside the bar and the music was blasting loud, It was almost like a party. I went to the bartender told him to get me some vodka. I wanted to get wasted.

I took 1 shot, then 2, then 3, then I lost count. I started dancing in the dance floor. Guys started dancing with me too. Everything slowly turned into a blur, last thing I remember that a guy was touching my body. Then he fell on floor.

Then, guy tried to carry me but I tried to get out of his grip. Next thing I know that everything went dark.

Johnny's POV

I went in the bar just to get a drink. I sat by the bartender when I saw this beautiful girl dancing in the crowd and being touched by a man. She tried to escape but he keeps pulling her in. I was getting angry that I ran to him and punched him in the face and beat him up.

His friends tried to seperate me and him but I just pushed them away. I saw Annie went out of the bar. I stopped punching the guy and left running to Annie.

I held Annie's wrist to stop her

"Oh look is Johnny the motherfucking orlando." She said in her cute drunk voice.

"Let's go to your room now. You're drunk and it is not safe when your drunk" I said trying to carry her but she escaped and ran.

I chased her around. She is pretty fast when she's drunk.

She stops running and lays down on the cold sand.

"The stars are pretty" She said

I look up but there are no stars

I chuckled

I look back at her and I saw her sleeping. I picked her up and slowly brought her to her hotel room.

"John- ny-, will- you stay with- me?" Annie whispers really softly.

I stare at her beautiful sleeping face before answering.

"Yeah. always." I whisper.

She forms a little smile.

We arrived in her hotel room. I brought her to her bed and tucked her in. I left a note on the table, kissed her forehead and left.

I left the hotel and went back to LA.

Hey sorry for not posting for months. But thank you for 100k reads. I promise to finish this book by April.

Johannie Instagram//Annie Leblanc //Johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now