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Annie's POV

It's been a year. My mom is ok, she's been in stays in this hospital to be monitored so she won't kill herself again. Daddy and mommy are ok but they're still not together.

Johnny and I are still together. He was always here for me for the past year.

It's almost Thanksgiving and my mom is coming back home. I put the turkey in the oven at set my phone timer. Johnny and Hayley we're making the desserts.

"Johnny!!" Hayley shrieked when Johnny put flour on her nose.

Hayley got a hand full of flour and threw it in John's face. They both laughed and kept throwing flour at each.

"Hey, hey enough. You're messing up I just cleaned" I say smiling. Johnny and Hayley's friendship is the cutest thing to exist.

"You're no fun you know" Johnny comes towards me and kisses.  Now I got flour all over me.


The door opens and we see daddy and mommy.

"Welcome me home mommy!!" Hayley ran to her and hugged her.

"Welcome home miss LeBlanc, sorry for the mess there." He looks back at the table with flour.

"Thank you and it's ok" she reassures him.

We clean up the mess and cleaned ourselves.

Johnny's POV

I see Billy, Annie's dad, drinking beer out in the patio. I walk over to him and stood beside him.

"Billy?" I look over at him.

"Yes?" He turns to me and sip his beer

"I'm soo in love with your daughter. She's my rock and the love of my life. I know that we're still young but" I paused " May I marry her"

He sighs, he gets a beer from the cooler beside him and opens it then hands it to me.

I take a small sip. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asks.


"I don't want you to hurt her John"

"I won't do it again" I say.

"When are you gonna propose?" He asks.

"Tonight" I nervously say.

"Just don't break her heart or I'm coming for you" he says in a joke tone but I know he really means it.

I nod and we take a sip of the beer.

"Food is ready!" Hayley yells.

I walk back in the house and I see Annie setting the table, smiling beautifully in her cute white dress.

God I'm soo in love with this girl. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Billy pats his hand on my back.

"Goodluck" he whispers

I hope she says yes.

Johannie Instagram//Annie Leblanc //Johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now