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Annie's POV

I pull away from the kiss.
Johnny leans his forhead against mine. "I miss this, I miss your lips, your soft brown eyes and everything about you" He cups my right cheek.

"Please be mine for one night" He said


"Annie?" Asher yells. I looked at him. He was holding flowers. He dropped the flowers and walked away.

I let go from Johnny and try to chase Asher.

"Asher wait!" I called as ran to him

"Annie!" Johnny calls me and pulls my wrist making me turn to him.

"This is all your fault Johnny" I said as I push him away from me as tears form around my eye

"I love you Annie." Johnny said

"I stopped loving you when you started fucking with that hoe Nadia"
I yelled

"Lies!!you said on your welcome party that you were still in love with me." Johnny Yelled

"I was drunk" I yelled

"Drunk people speak by their hearts when their drunk"Johnny said

"Stop ok?Stop." I push Johnny away and ran to my hotel room. My heart was aching and my tears kept falling.

I need to find asher..

I put the key in the door and opened the door quick I went in the hotel room and check if asher was in room. There was no Asher but just a note.

I picked up the note and read it

Dear Annie,

Please give me space. I'm going back to Arizona. I need some time to heal from what I saw. Annie I love you so much, but what you did broke me. We will talk about this when I'm ready to talk. I need alot of time so I can heal. I love you forever and always.


Asher left me.

I didn't know what to do.

I can't process what just happened tonight.

Johnny kissed me

And I kissed back

Asher broke up with me and left me

I'm all alone in the hotel room sitting on the cold brown wooden floors crying.

I'm all alone.

My tears starts to fall. I get my phone from my pocket and dialed a number.

It starts to ring.

"Hello?" A deep voice answered the call.


Johannie Instagram//Annie Leblanc //Johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now