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Johnny's POV

Since I left Nadia's house. I went to check in a hotel. They had to make me wait because they had to check if there were available room.

I sat down and read a magazine. I heard a familiar laugh coming from behind me.

I check who it was and it was Annie. Annie the most beautiful girl in this room. Annie the girl who I left for a red head.

Annie looks at my direction and our eyes met.

I waved and she smiled at me and look away. Asher came to her and wrap his arms around her waist as she kisses his cheek.

Not gonna lie I felt so Jealous. I stood up and went up to them.

"Hey!" I greeted

"Hey Johnny what are u doing here" Asher said as like he didnt want me here.

"Me and Nadia broke up and she made me leave her house" I said and scratch the back of my head.

"I'm sorry to hear that" Annie said

"Hey, I forgot my wallet in the room. I'll just go and get it" Asher says as he runs to the elevator. Annie starts to leave

"Annie" I grab her wrist making her stop.

"Yes" She looks surprised at what I did.

"I still-" I was cut by one of the bell boy

I still love u

"Ms. Leblanc, Mr. Angel your uber is here"

"I'll be there in a minute" Annie tells the bell boy with the cutest smile on her face.

"What were you gonna say again?" Annie looks back at me.

"I'm gonna stay in this hotel." I lied

"Oh ok. I'm gonna go now. We are going to see giraffes" Annie said excitedly.

"Oh. Thats great" I said

Annie always wanted to see Giraffes. I'm sad That I wasn't the one who let her see the Giraffes for the first time.

"Hey Annie, Lets go?" Asher said as he placed his hands on Annie's waist making me curl my fist because of Jealousy.

"Yeah. Bye Johnny" Annie smiles at Asher then looks at me. They both get in their uber and left.

Johnny just accept the fact that she likes someone else.

Annie's POV

Today has been a great day. Asher went out to pick up is friends Jack, Noah and Finn from the airport.

I went out of the Hotel to watch the beautiful sunset by the beach.

I cross my arms and enjoy the cold breeze going to my face. I sat on the cold sand and enjoy the sun setting.

"What is a pretty girl like you sitting down alone watching the sun setting?" A familiar voice said

I turn around and saw Johnny. I smiled and he sat down beside me.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Johnny asks

"I'm enjoying the sunset. If you ask  where is Asher he is picking up his friends in the airport" I said tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"I was bored in my hotel room. I came down to think about stuff that happened between me and Nadia."He said quietly. It was so silent that I could only here the cold wind.

" Johnny?" I look at him. He was looking at the waves then He looked at me.

At that point we were staring at each others eyes "Why didn't you wait?" I asked

It went silent for a minute.

"I wish I could answer but, I don't even know." Johnny said.

"I was gonna come back for you when I was gonna come back home from college. Why couldn't you just wait?" I said as my tears started forming on my eyes.

"I was heart broken. I thought you replaced me with somebody new." He said

"But you knew I wouldn't do that to you because I loved you" I said and I stood up and walked away with tears in my eyes.

"Annie wait" I look back and see him running towards me.

He cupped my cheeks and wiped away my tears and he kissed me, surprisingly I kissed him back.

Johannie Instagram//Annie Leblanc //Johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now