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Annie's POV

I woke up in my hotel room. I saw a note by the table and I read it.

I'd stay with you always Annie, but you deserve better.


J.O as Johnny? What does he mean?

For the last 2 hours I have been thinking of Johnny. Every time I think about him my heart ached.

I tried to call Johnny but the calls went straight to voicemails.

I ran to his hotel room and knocked a couple of times before someone opened the door.

A woman in her mid 40's opened the door.

"Hello" She smiles "may I ask what you're doing here?"

"Oh. I'm sorry I must have knocked the wrong door" I lied

"Its ok dear" She gives me a little smile before closing the door.

I went back to hotel room to get my phone. I tried calling him but it directly goes to his voicemail. I ran my hands in my hair in frustration.

I scroll through my contacts and called Lauren.


"Hey anns whats up?" Lauren said with a cheerful tone

"Is Johnny already home?" I asked

"Yes. He is but mom said he is in his apartment." Lauren said

"Could you please tell him to pick up his phone?" I asked

"Yeah sure" Lauren said

"Thanks Lauren. Bye!" I ended the call. I exited my room and went to the restaurant to eat breakfast. Today was my last day here in Kenya and I'm all alone.

I entered the restaurant and was greeted by the scent of pancakes and bacons. It was an breakfast buffet. I got 4 mini pancakes, eggs, 3 strips of bacons and some fruits. While I was eating a guy who was like about 6ft yell at me an came to my table.

He had a black eye on his right eye and his lips were busted open.

"Um do I-" He cuts me off.

"Where is your boyfriend?" He yells at me. Making everybodys head turn to us

"I don't have a boyfriend" I said

"The guy who punched me last night. He carried you to your room" He said angrily

"This guy?" I showed him a picture of Johnny.

"Yeah that mother fucker" He said

"Why did he punch you?" I asked

"Because I danced and grind with-" I threw a glass at water at him.

"He punched you because you were touching my body while I was drunk! Imagine if he wasn't there!who knows what might have you done to me!" I yelled "You're angry because he punched you? You're angry because you have a black eye? Bitch you deserve that."

A guy in a security uniform came to our direction.

"Excuse me ma'am if you two will keep on yelling then please get out" He says

"I was going out anyways" I stood up and exited the restaurant.

Johnny saved me and brought me to my room safe and sound.

I tried calling Johnny again but the calls still went to voicemail.

"Hey Johnny please pick up your phone. I really want to talk to you"

I went back to my hotel room and start packing my clothes. And immediately left the hotel and went to the airport to go back to LA.

Hours later I arrived in LA. I took an Uber to Johnny's Apartment. I knocked on his door lots of times. The door opens wide and I see Nadia.

"Annie? What are you doing here?" She asks

"No. What are YOU doing here? Didn't you guys break up?" I said in a bitof a mean tone

"We did. But we went back together. I saw him in the airport last night and he was sad. So we went back to LA together and now we're back." She does this annoying fake smile and continues "Annie sweetie, please
leave and stop seeing Johnny. "

She was about to close the door but I stopped her

" I can see Johnny whenever I want. I want to see Johnny now!" I yell

I heard footsteps coming from behind me I turn around and saw Johnny carrying bags of groceries.


"Annie what are you doing here"

"Can we talk?"

Hey guys I had a hard time writing this chapter and it took me 16 days to write this. I have no inspiration anymore. Ik this chapter is weird so will be the next chapter. I'll make it up to you guys next next Wednesday

I'm gonna be posting every wednesday at 7 pm (Philippine time)
Anyways please be safe and wash hands always.

Johannie Instagram//Annie Leblanc //Johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now