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Annie's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom.

Where am I?
Did I get kidnapped?

I turn to the other side and see a sleeping figure.

Wait. Did we have sex or some shit?!

I kicked the sleeping figure really hard making fall down the floor.

"OW" He yelled

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHY AM I  HERE?!DID YOU FUCKING RAPE ME?!" I yell and cover my body with the blanket

"Annie Chill out" The tall figure stands up and face to me

"JOHNNY?!" I look at him confused

"WHY AM I HERE " I yell at him
"DID YOU RAPE ME?!" I look at him shocked and started throwing pillows at him


"CAN YOU LET ME TALK?!" Johnny raises his voice.

"I didnt rape you I saved you from being rape from a douche bag last night. You are in my Condo that I stay In" Johnny said as he runs his hands through his hair.

"Your dress was wet so I had to change your clothes." Johnny said making my eyes go big

"You change my what?!" I yell

"Whats wrong with that? I've seen you naked 3 times whats wrong with now?" Johnny said causing me to blush from embarrassment

"Its different from before John..." I said quietly as I tuck my hair behind my ear.

Ugh my head is aching to bad.

I massage my head thinking the head ache would be gone but no it was still there.

"Are you having headache?" Johnny asked

"No. I'm fine" I said

No I'm not....

"Oh ok. I'll make breakfast" Johnny said.

"You dont need to. I was about to leave"

"Your not leaving until you eat plus your dress isnt dry yet." Johnny said

I hear my phone ring from the desk beside me.

I checked who it is.


"Hey Asher" I greeted

"Hey are you ok?" Asher asks

"Yeah why?" I asked

"Well you were wasted last night and one of my friend's Friend tried to rape you according to Johnny" Asher said

"Are you home?" He asked

"No I'm in Johnny's Condo" I bit my lip

"Can you get me?" I asked

"Sure. I was about to go to your house right now. Glad thing I didn't have to go on a 1 hour drive just to go to your house. I'll ne there in 25 minutes" Asher said

"Thank you so much!I love you bye" I said as I end the call.

"Breakfast is ready" Johnny comes in the room. I nod my head and follow him outside his room.

"You're condo is big and nice" I said as I look around. I breathe in and smell the waffles cooking.

"You made waffles?!" I said as I quickly sat down on the chair.

"Yeah. Just how you like it" Johnny smiles and gives me my waffles with alot whip cream and strawberries.

I take a big bite like I havent ate for days.

"This is so good" I said Johnny goes back to the kitchen and beings me water.

"Annie..." He said pointing at his cheek

"I'm not gonna kiss you" I said kinda yelling at him

"There's whip cream on your cheek" He said

"Oh sorry" I said as I tuck my hair in my ear and bit my lip.

Johnny mumbled something that I didnt hear.

"What?" I look at him super confused

"What?" He also looks at me.

It went dead silent again.

This is too awkward I cant take it

What should I say?


Dammit I'll just say the first thing that comes to my mind

"So... You and Nadia..." I said As I continue eating the waffle

Gurl why did you ask that!

"I broke up with her" Johnny said with a serious face.

"Why?" I asked

"Why are you curious?" Johnny looks into my eyes.

I rolled my eye and look away from his gorgeous eyes.

I feel a soft marshmallow-y substance that slide down to my cheek.

"Johnny what the-" I paused and wiped the whip cream on my face.

I put whip cream on his nose. I ran away. The last thing I know Johnny was chasing me around the kitchen.

I giggled and throw stuff at him til he finally catch me.

"Got you" Johnny said grabing my hips making me spin around. Johnny puts me down.

I was staring at Johnny. He was staring at me. He tries to lean in and-

"Ehem" somebody clears his throat.

I look to see who owner of the voice is.


You really thought it was gonna be asher HA! THIS IS A JOHANNIE BOOK Not ASHANNIE.


Johannie Instagram//Annie Leblanc //Johnny orlandoWhere stories live. Discover now