.Chapter 10: Distruction:

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Author's Note:

#Warning# Self Harm.!

•Eddie POV•

I just can't do this... Why would he leave me?... I held the blade against my wrist. I took a deep breath and thought about Bryce. As I started to day dream about him, the blade danced across my wrist creating a long fresh wound. I didn't even feel it. I kept thinking about how much I love him. The more I thought, the more cuts I developed on my wrist. In the end of my cutting session, I had five cuts across my wrist. I let the crimson colored liquid drip out my wrist. As I stared, I felt absolutely nothing. My all, my Bryce, my love is gone. I've been in love with him for so long. Why would he do that?...

Bryce POV

I felt so bad for breaking it off with him. I was so happy with him. My parents just don't understand. They can't tell me who I should love. I just, I have to abide by their rules or I'm going to be homeless. I hate that I hurt Eddie. He hasn't texted me back. I'm so worried. Maybe I should go over his house.

As I got myself together, I walked to Eddie's house. It's only a few blocks away. It was a hot afternoon. The sun was setting on the horizon. It was so beautiful. When I got to the door of Eddie's house, I knocked softly. I waited for what seems like forever, but no one answered. I felt curious. I know his mom works late, but Eddie should be here. I twisted the door knob to see that the door was unlocked. I went in and shut the door quietly. I cautiously walked up the stairs to Eddie's room. I stopped at his door and listened to what was going on on the other side of the door. I heard Eddie say, "Why would he love you... Why would he want you... You fuck up everything... You just can't do much... You deserve the pain... Forever alone..." When I heard that, my heart broke. I didn't think he'll be this broken up. I opened the door and rushed in to hug him. He looked lost and lifeless. I felt this warm wet substance on my arm. I pulled away to reveal that it is blood. I looked up at Eddie and burst into a fit of tears. I couldn't believe I lead him to self harm. I feel so horrible. I couldn't see clearly or think clearly anymore. I just can't...

•Eddie POV

I was confused to see Bryce here. He won't stop crying. Like, just five cuts. No biggie. That don't bring us back together. I just couldn't be in there anymore. Not with someone who lead me on and broke my heart. I don't need him. I'll be alone and live my life alone.

I began to walk away from him until I felt him grab my hand. I snatched it away and kept walking. I exited my house and continued as far as my legs will take me. I need to start over...

Hello You Guys.! I Went A Different Route Than Expect'd On This Chapter. I Hope You Guys Like It. Don't Hate Me For It.!


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