.Chapter 11: Hello?.

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Author's Note:

New Point Of View.! Get Ready.! :3

•Mea POV•

I was driving my car home from the grocery store thinking about how sweet it is to live with my best friend DJ. He's not like any other guy though. He's sweet, funny, lovable, and very unique. He's like a big ole' teddy bear. Too bad he's not my boyfriend... Well, he would never be my boyfriend since he likes strictly guys and I dabble in both guys and girls. I sighed at the thought of my preference on relationships. Sadly, I haven't been with someone in a long time. I wish I'd find my mister or miss right.

As I drove down to a stop light, I was caught off guard by the sight of what looks like a guy with a fresh wound on his wrist. He was sitting in the park across from the stop light. I drove to the park once the light turned green. I got out the car and walked around the park to find this guy I just saw. I found him. He was on a bench with his head thrown back and his eyes were closed. I sat beside him and began to talk. "Hey. Ummm, you okay? Like, your arm uhh well, wrist situation looks bad. You need help?" I waited for his response. After a few minutes, I noticed that he hasn't moved in awhile. I panicked and didn't know what to do. I tapped his shoulder continuously and still no response. I grabbed him by his arms and practically dragged him to my car. Gosh this looks bad. I'm glad no one is at the park. I opened my back seat car door and laid him out in my car's back seat. I sighed and closed the door. I then opened my door and sat down while closing my door. I sighed once more and thought about how I'm basically kidnapping a random guy off the streets. I'll just... I don't know. Patch this guy up and send him on his way. Isn't this right? I started my engine and headed to my house. This is going to be something... I hope DJ understands.

Woah There.! Crazy Right.? Don't Ya Love This Or Hate It.? Plot Twist.! Yayy.! Next Time, It's Gonna Be Better.! Until Next Time.


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