The Easter Bunny?

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As an adult now, I have been able to put pieces together of stories that just didn't add up before. 

Such as the story of my older brother seeing what he thought was the Easter Bunny. 

When my brother was young, around two to four years old, he told a story of him seeing the Easter Bunny. 

It was Easter morning, probably when the sun hadn't quite fully come out yet. 

As a young child would, he began searching for his Easter basket and sneaking around. 

While he was doing so, he saw what he described as a man sized shadow. 

As a child, he thought it was the Easter Bunny. 

The next day he told my parents that he saw the Easter Bunny and my parents of course thought it was my father or a child's wild imagination. 

My brother remembers the story to this day, but now is unconvinced it was the Bunny of his childhood. 

As I recalled to him a story of seeing a shadow person of my own, he perked up and told us his story of what he saw as a young boy. 

He described what I would only be able to call a shadow person, and explained it off as his childhood self as the innocent imaginary Easter Bunny. 

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