Chapter One:Hell Has Arrived

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In the small town of Freymont lived Lucy and her Mother Catherine Clarkson, Freymont was a fairly safe town but at times riddled by crime caused by a group called “The Devious 5”, they are a group of five boys that break into people’s homes and steal their valuables.

Lucy and Catherine stayed in the northern part of town on saints street, Lucy and her mother lived a fairly simple yet productive life, her mother worked as a cleaner at the local hospital. Lucy attends only one of two primary schools in the town she is in 6th grade, she doesn’t socialize much but has two close friends Abby and Sophia they have been friends since kindergarten.

Catherine did have a drinking problem before as she could not overcome the trauma caused by the death of her late husband Owen Clarkson, But ever since then she became sober and is attending an AA meeting twice every week.

IT was late afternoon and Lucy and her friends Sophia and Abby were walking from school after choir practice a breezy wind begins to blow as the sunsets.

“Guys we should hurry back home did you guys hear the news about children our age being kidnapped, and The Devious 5 are at it again breaking into peoples homes and stealing their belonging’s’’

“Your right Lucy we should hurry plus the sun is setting quite fast,  and by the way didn’t the Devious 5 learn their lesson, I mean they did spend time in a Juvenile facility”.

“ At home we keep our doors and windows locked at all times, and my dad just installed motion-activated alarms around the yard which automatically goes on at night and they make such a noise when tripped, I think he's just being a tad dramatic.

“I mean he's just trying to be safe Sophia since The Devious 5 are busy creating an uproar in and around our neighborhood.

“You know guys If The Devious 5 would break into our house, my mother and I would be toast they would easily overpower us since it’s just the two of us.

Lucy and her friends begin to run back home as they fear for their safety, Lucy arrives home out of breath and gasping for air she knocks on the front door aggressively.
I’m coming you don’t have to bang the door her mother said inside the house.

“Lucy what happened why are you breathing so heavily did something happen to you.

"No mother nothing happened me, Abby and Sophia decided to run back home because we were talking about the current events that are happening in town, so we felt a bit uneasy and began to run

“Okay, my child come inside ill fix you a sandwich.

“Thank you mother, I’m firstly going to take a shower I'm all sweaty.

After her, her shower Lucy heads downstairs to eat the sandwich her mother prepared for her, and help her mother prepare dinner.

“You know Lucy Things have been bad in town honestly at times I fear walking to work so early in the morning, I've even thought of beginning to use uber as a way to get too and from work safer.

“That’s a great idea mother, you know something very odd happened at school today it was actually very hilarious two teachers got into a fistfight.

“Hold that thought there is breaking news on the TV.

This is Zack Abraham with breaking news on channel five-"Residents of Freymont you are urged to keep your doors, windows, and gates locked at all times because The Devious 5 are at it again they are breaking into homes and stealing belongings, Police are doing everything in their power to capture and arrest these five misfits’’.

“These boys don’t want to listen you know I've been thinking that we should get security bars installed on the doors and protective bars for the windows, these boys are really letting people live in fear before we sleep tonight we must make sure everything is locked, anyway what were you saying honey?

“I was saying two teachers were involved in a fistfight it was hilarious.

“What really!! That’s rather absurd two grown-up getting into a fistfight in front of school kids, It's getting late my dear I believe dinner is ready I prepared your favorite macaroni and cheese. That’s odd it's beginning to rain the weather forecast never mentioned that it's going to rain

“Guess we going to bed early tonight.

Elsewhere in town, The Devious 5 are busy celebrating the score they stole yesterday the leader Jeremy begins the celebration by opening a bottle of whiskey they stole.

‘’Boys lets celebrate, the shit we stole yesterday is going to make us rich I bet you these watches, earrings, diamond bracelets are worth a fortune’’.

One of the members wasn’t fond of their doings and expressed his displeasement to their leader Jeremy.

“ Jeremy I want out I never signed up for this what we are currently doing is wrong, actually what you are doing.

Jeremy slaps Timothy across the face and spits on him.

‘’Listen here you fucken sissy boy we are all in this shit together, actually, come to think of it you haven’t had a proper initiation so tonight we going to hit another house and our dear friend Timothy is going to steal something valuable as part of his initiation into our group.

“So which house are we going to hit brother I mean the police are busy raiding our usual spots, waiting for us to make our next move”

"Be at ease brother I've been scouting houses in the northern part of town, there is one particular house some lady and a little girl lives there we just going to break in and our good friend Timothy is going to steal something valuable as a part of his initiation it's going to be a quick job in and out, we don’t want things to become messy.

“ Plus it's raining so they won't hear shit I mean it couldn’t be any perfect.

‘Okay Let's do this boys’’.

Back at the Clarkson residence,  Catherine is about to kiss Lucy goodnight they suddenly hear the window of the laundry room shattering.

‘’Mom what was that I'm beginning to freaking out’’.

‘’I don’t know but go and lock yourself in the closet and don’t come out until I come back okay!!!, Mommy loves you’’.

“Be safe Mother I love you”.

Lucy does exactly what her mother says, she locks herself in her closet, she starts becoming very anxious as tears begin to flow down her cheeks, her heart beating fastly.

Catherine heads downstairs with a baseball bat in hand.

‘’Is somebody in here’’

She hears a voice responding in an evil and chilling tone

‘’The devious have arrived’’.

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