Chapter 8: Timothy

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Timothy was still haunted by the memories of the murder and rape of Catherine Clarkson, he barely sleeps at night he even started taking sleeping pills and anti-depressants, he has not spoken with the other members of the Devious 5 since the day they committed the crime, until Darius called him the other day, he locks himself in his room every day he only leaves his room to go eat and bathe. His parents begin to worry about his mental state they even booked therapy classes for him.

Timothy's parents were out town on a business trip he refused when his parents said they don't mind calling his grandmother to come over and keep him company while they are away, to stay safe Timothy decide he is going to lock himself in his room. But little does he know Lucy is coming for him she has become stronger than ever, darkness coursing in her veins, her eyes jet black oozing blood.

Lucy arrives at Timothy's house she goes into the house and calls out Timothy's name in a sickening and cold way, Timothy comes downstairs with a shotgun and shoots Lucy in the chest but no harm befalls Lucy. Out of anger, she throws her machete at Timothy it impaled his chest right through. Timothy fell off the stairs and hit the floor hard.

" Timothy such an innocent boy that got involved with the wrong crowd, you are the last of the Devious 5, you are the last on my list I've had the hearts of your four other brethren now you will suffer the same fate as them".

" Lucy please spare my life I was forced to rape your mother, I didn't want any part of it I was forced too, Lucy please spare my life".

" Unfortunately that is not going to happen, your friends killed my mother in a dark and cold way threw me off a cliff and laughed about it.

Lucy kisses Timothy on the lips before she chopped off his head and cut out his heart and drank its blood.

She went to her cabin in the woods took the rest of the heads and went to the cemetery and placed them in the form of a crucifix on the grave of her mother. She walks back to her cabin and was never seen nor heard from again.

Somewhere on the news:
Breaking news a chain of murders shook the town of Freymont residents live in fear thinking they might be next on the list of the "beheader" the name that the locals gave this murderer, the heads of five boys were found on the grave of Catherine Clarkson a woman that worked at the local hospital she  was brutally murdered and raped several days ago, her 12-year-old daughter has not been seen or heard from since her mother was killed, might Lucy Clarkson be the murderer that has been on a killing spree, killing and beheading the five boys.

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