Chapter 13: Off To Summer Camp

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Gran is dropping of lucy at school they are off to a summer camp.

"Lucy my child please be safe, I hope you packed all that is needed, for camp and if anything goes amiss please do call me.

" Don't worry gran I have everything packed that I need, mosquito repellent, allergy pills and so forth, and yes don't worry gran you just a phone call away.

Lucy gets out of the car gives her gran a kiss on the cheek, and a hug, she then goes and joins her friends

" Sandy, Trent hey how are you guys, are you guys hyped for summer camp because I know I am since it's a first for me

"Hey Lucy yes we are, I know I am, I cant wait to see and become one with nature I'm really fond of the outdoors.

"Yes girl I'm an outdoor gal myself, my grandparents own a farm growing up every summer school break I went to my grandparent's farm, so summer camp will be like home for me".

Can I have your attention please students,

Today we are heading off to summer camp it's an event we do yearly this year it will be held at Lakeside View, it's a time where we can bond, get to know each other, and most importantly have fun you guys will be separated into groups of 10 you will have to choose a team leader amongst your selves he or she will be responsible for each team, there will be daily activities that each and everyone will compete in and at the end of each day scores will be counted and calculated, the team with the most points on the last day of summer camp will be this year's winners. So kids let's go enjoy ourselves and treat each other with respect.

The students get separated into pairs of 10 they each choose a team leader, afterward, they climb on the buses as a team.

Off they went to summer camp.

"Wow, guys how lucky are we to be in the same team.

"I know right our team is going to win this whole thing.

" Heck yea go yellow team.

The kids on the bus begin to sing and begin to build up team spirit the leader of the team gives his team a motivational speech and riles his troops up.

While on the bus Lucy falls into a deep sleep, she begins to hear the voice of Tozrag

"The time has come for you to fulfill your destiny, the time has come me to walk amongst mortals, it's time for me to Inslave souls and cast hell upon this earth and you are the gateway".

The teams arrive at the camp, the sun was about to set, so each team had to set up camp there were five teams that consisted of 10 members each, only the seniors went camping. The principal was about to give final instructions

Okay teams we have arrived at camp it's becoming dark I advise you to go set up camp at the places marked on the maps you have, you will follow your team leaders, food will be ready in about an hours time after eating its lights out for everyone and we will begin the first round of the competition tomorrow.

" Gosh I can't wait for tomorrow guys and I hope the food is good.

"I don't think the food is that tasty obviously they going to feed us crappy food we are at a camp silly.

" Lucy is right, you must have an iron gut to eat the food from camp.

The yellow team finally arrive at their campsite, it was two cabins and each cabin took a maximum of five people, they separated into two groups of five. Before lights out the team leader prayed and gave his team some last motivational words before the first round of competition begins.

Lucy ✔️CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now