Chapter 9: Three Years Later

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It was three years ago Lucy Clarkson was tricked and got possessed by a demon named Tozrag he gave lucy the strength and power to kill each member of The Devious 5,

When Lucy drank the blood of the old man's heart, she got possessed by a demon called Tozrag a demon that is able to possess a person's heart and take over their soul. When he possessed the old man he became weaker over time and needed a new host so that he can be strong again. When Lucy arrived at the cabin she was the perfect fit because not only was she young but her soul was strong and sought revenge, when Lucy killed the members of the Devious five, cutting out their hearts and drinking the blood of their hearts, Tozrag started to regain strength, and take a physical form so that he can begin his reign of terror.

Three years later Lucy now 15 has been living in the cabin ever since she went on her killing spree but she now yearns to return to civilization and begin a new life with her grandmother.

Lucy is busy writing in an old journal she found in the cabin, she also found a ritual that can keep Tozrag dormant.

"I've spent the past three years in this cabin I'm 15 years now the outside world must have changed a lot since my disappearance,I've isolated myself from the world, I achieved my goal of eliminating my mothers killers, the demon inside of me grew stronger and he thirsts for more blood and I've had enough I want this demon gone he should be banished from where he came, I want to return to society and begin a new life".

When she thirsts for blood, she would kill animals and drink the blood of their hearts by doing so she could also keep the demon dormant, because he only gains strength from the blood of a human heart.

It was time for Lucy to leave the cabin now a place she called home for three years but before she leaves she, performs the ritual, she decides to keep the book with her in case Tozrag threatens to awake.

Lucy sets the cabin on fire and tossed her machete far into the woods. She started her journey back to Freymont, her first stop was to return to the house she once lived with her mother. Upon her arrival she saw the house was abandoned, full of dust the air musty and thick, she suddenly bursts into tears remembering the night her mother was killed, she goes upstairs and fond her room as is nothing was moved. In her mother's s room she changed her white torn, dirty dress, she changed into one of her mother's favorite dresses.

She took some of her mothers belongings and left the house, in an instant Mrs Roger's from next door recognized her and called her over.

Mrs. Roger's giving Lucy a hug while her eyes are teary.

"Come inside child where have you been, you have been gone for three years now tell me everything".

Lucy was a bit skeptical about entering Mrs Roger's house, but she was hungry and was desperate for a decent meal, she follows Mrs Roger's to the kitchen.

”My word Lucy where have you been, the last time I saw you it was the day before your mother was murdered, I can't believe it's you in the flesh let me fix you something to eat”.

"Yes Mrs Roger's it's me, to be honest, the night my mother was murdered, I ran away as far as I could I ended up passing out, when I awoke I was in the hospital, I've been in a foster home since".

"My word sorry to hear that child, these past three years must have been tough on you, you didn't even have a chance to mourn the death of your mother properly".

” It been rough but I managed to survive".

”I don't know if you have heard, but the five suspects that were involved in the death of your mother, were brought to justice but you could say cruel justice they were beheaded, their heads were placed on your mothers grave, there were even rumors that you were involved in the killings of the five boys".

Lucy started to become nervous, her palms even became sweaty. She responded nervously,

"That's just rumors I mean at the time of my mother's murder I was 12 years old, people can make up such nonsense".

” Right people can make up such rubbish stories, let me go run you a hot bubble bath.

Mrs Roger's heads into the bathroom and runs Lucy a hot bubble bath.

While in the bathtub Lucy lets her body relax, she feels the warm water hugging her skin, relaxing her tense muscles, but the feeling of warmth was short-lived she started to have flashbacks and heard the voice of the demon saying "it's not over yet", she screams due to fear

Mrs Roger's stormed into the bathroom.

" Child what is it are you okay, what happened??.

"Everything is okay"

"Yes, the water is just a tad hot".

Lucy climbs out of the bath drys her hair and puts on, a T-shirt and Jean Mrs. Roger's gave her, she heads back to the kitchen.

"Mrs Roger's thank you for what you have done for me today but I've decided to leave Freymont for a bit and head to Jacksonville, my grandmother stays there I want to get my life back on track, and continue with school".

"Travel well-child, here is a bit of money for a train ticket, and I hope I'll see you again.

"Lucy thanks Mrs. Roger's gives her a hug and leaves, she puts on a hoodie so that people can't recognize her face, but before she went to the train station she stopped by the cemetery and out a flower on her mothers grave".

Off she was Jacksonville, to begin of her new life.

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