Chapter 11: An Old Friend

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Lucy was enjoying life again, made new friends at school everything was blissful, she receives a call from Trent

"Hey Lucy if you not busy, I and Sandy thought it would be cool if you would come over to my house, from here we will go spend the day at the mall"

Lucy replies in an excited tone, "yes sure I'm in my way Trent can't wait".

" Gran, I'm on my way to meet up with my friends at the mall".

" Okay Lucy but don't return late please, the streets are not safe out here".

" Don't worry Gran I'll be back before you know it".

Lucy hops on her bicycle and pedals away. She arrives at Trent's house.

"Lucy I'm glad you were able to make it, well I was thinking girls we should grab something to eat at Burger King, then go watch a movie".

"Sure that sounds like a plan plus my sister works at the BK so she might give is some extra fries.

"Nice let's not waste any time let's go oo ooo!!!!

The friends had a fun-filled day eating burgers, watching a movie at the cinemas, and topped the day off with some ice cream.

"Guys it's becoming dark now and I promised my Gran I'd be home when the sunsets.

" It's okay Lucy lets all cycle back home I really enjoyed the day.

"Guys today was really fun, we should do this often.

They cycled back home. When Lucy arrived home her Gran just finished cooking dinner.

"Lucy there came a package for you in the mail today, I took it up in your room.

"What is it gran and who is it from.

Gran: I'm not sure Lucy, I didn't open it.

"O well anyway, Gran let's have dinner, cause I'm starving.

After dinner she washed the dishes and gave her Gran her medication, she then went up to her room curious to find out what's in the package that came for her today.

She started to unwrap the package, she suddenly froze and begun to breathe heavily, it was her old machete she used to kill the members of the Devious five, she found a note inside written in blood

"It's not over its only the beginning"

Chills went down her spine, she rushed and threw the machete away in the trash can.

The next day the same thing happened, the machete was on her reading desk in her room because it was cursed by the demon it will always find a way back to the person that has used it once. She thought her life was back on track and she would not kill again but with the emergence of the machete, only the worst was going to come.

The demon was actually semi-dormant the ritual Lucy performs weekly only keeps him asleep for some time, it's time for Lucy to have a killing.

Lucy then slowly falls into a trance, she has a vision about the old man from the cabin.

Lucy for I have passed this demon and curse onto you, I apologize for the burden I put upon you, he seeks blood it is time for him to take on a physical form, when I don't know but when he does you are the only person that can stop him, because you guys are one entity now you share a soul with him, once he leaves your body you will be weakened, but still have some strength to kill him and the only way to kill him is to stab him in the heart with the machete, but unfortunately because you share a soul with him, you must also stab your self with the machete and he will perish and be gone forever.

Lucy snapped out of the trance, and trembling from fear, she did not know what to do but accept her destiny if she wants to defeat the evil within.

The following day in class the teacher announced that there is going to be a school trip and their class is going to a summer camp. All of a sudden she hears a voice in her head.

"it's time my pawn destiny has arrived".

Lucy ✔️CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now