Chapter 14: Summer Camp Day 1

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It was a gorgeous morning, birds chirping and the river flowing swiftly down the stream, the teams had to get ready for the first round of the competition each team had to go shower, go have breakfast and meet up at the starting point and receive further instructions.

The teams finish breakfast and went to the starting point.

Okay teams I'm glad you all made it and had a good night's rest, because we have a long day ahead of us, so the first challenge will be rowing, then afterward an obstacles course, tug of war, and lastly capture the flag, points will be tallied and each team will be judged according to teamwork, communication, effort, and participation. Okay, enough talking let the games begin.

Firstly it was rowing each team will start from point A and end at point B, the distance between the points is 1km.

The yellow team begin to saddle up in their rowing boats, okay team the advice I would give you is preserve your energy row at a steady pace and in the final stretch blast past them come on yellow team let's do this

"Trent, Sandy I'm so nervous I've never done this before this is the first time I've been part of canoeing I hope I won't mess up.

"Relax Lucy, take a deep breath and just follow the lead.

"Yes girl, just follow the lead and you will be fine we are all in this together.

Racers let the race begin, the headmaster fires the flan gun, racers begin to paddle.

The red team started strongly, and opened a huge gap, the other teams also started row faster, but the yellow team rowed at a steady pace so that they can preserve energy, at the last 200M the yellow team started to row with intensity and power passing the other teams, they reached the endpoint first and won the first challenge of the day.

Of they rush to the obstacles course getting a good start when the other teams catch up the yellow team is almost done with that obstacles course each member of the yellow team did a part of the obstacle course, and yet again they manage to finish first in the second challenge of the fay.

Next is Tug of War

The yellow team awaits their first opponent which is the blue team that's currently in third place, the yellow team manages to knock off the blue, green, and orange team but they lost to the red team as tiredness began to creep in, the red team won the tug of war placing them 5 points behind the leaders.

Last is capture the flag

The yellow team decided to split its members each member will try to capture the flags of the other teams, thereafter they will meet at the finish line.

The yellow team were able to capture five flags that's half of the flags of the teams that are there, second closest to them were the red team with 3 captures, the blue team managed to capture 2.

After the final challenge was completed the teams met at the finish line they nervously await the results of the day.

The principal is about to read the results.

Well done Yellow team you guys are in the lead with 100 points
Secondly the read team with 95 points, in third place is the blue team with 80 points. fourth place is the orange team with 75 points and rounding off the top 5 with 70 points is the green team, the rest of you guys are all on 50 points we need to see some more commitment because there is going to be an elimination round if by then you have below 100 points your team will be eliminated, alright you guys can go to your cabins to go freshen up and go have some food.

Lucy, Trent, and Sandy walk together

" Guys today was so much fun, and I'm. So glad we are in the lead.

"Hell yeah, it was I was a beast in that obstacles course.

"Today was fun truly speaking, I told you the yellow team got this".

The yellow team reaches their cabins exhausted, it is a somber afternoon, they take their showers, afterward, they head to the dining hall to have some food and refreshments.

Lucy heads out the dining room to get some fresh air she feels a bit tense, all of a sudden she hears the voice of Tozrag.

"Lucy my pawn it's time you do right by your master".

Lucy ✔️CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now