Chapter 2: The Devious 5

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"Whoever said that should leave this house immediately or I'll call the cops on you".

Jeremy came from behind and try's to strangle Catherine because he notices she is holding a baseball bat, Catherine manages to shrug him off and clubs him on the head with the baseball bat, knocking him out in an instant, Darius storms In and stabs Catherine in the shoulder with a screwdriver, Catherine screams out in pain

"Help help somebody help us".

Darius picks up the baseball bat that Catherine dropped and clubs her on the head knocking her out.

"Darius what the fuck is wrong with you, this was not part of the plan you fucken idiot we were supposed to steal not fucken attack the lady".

"Fuck you!!! Jacob if I didn't storm in here she was going to kill your brother with this bat, you should be thanking me dick".

Timothy began to cry

"Guys this is not what I signed up for our plan was to come in here and steal something of value, not fucken club the poor woman she has done nothing wrong".

" Calm the fuck done Timothy
Obviously, this was not part of the plan your such a sissy boy".

Several minutes later Jeremy awakes from his slumber a bit woozy.

"Aaah fuck this bitch she must die".

Jeremy orders his posy to tie her up and begin to torture her, they tie her up to a chair and wake her up by pouring boiling water all over Catherine's body, screaming in agony pleading with the Devious 5 to leave her alone

"What have I done to you, just take anything you need and leave me alone take anything you want money, jewelry, take anything I'll even give you the pin to my bank card, please she begged"

"Shut up bitch you made this personal when you decided to knock me out now you will pay for your sins.

"You heard the lady now just leave her alone, please.

" Shut up punk she must pay no one crosses us".

"I say we beat her up teach her a lesson no one fucks with us.

Jake begins to slap Catherine repeatedly till she became unconscious, they begin to untie her from the chair and toss her onto the floor like a rag doll. They begin to beat her mercifully, but Timothy pulled away and stood aside crying.

Sexual thoughts begun to cloud the mind of Jeremy, he rips off all that Catherine was wearing

"What's this man, what are you doing.

" Today boys we become men we going to fuck this lady hard, teach her a lesson she must pay for her sins".

The rest of the group agree to rape her but Timothy is very weary and doesn't agree to be part of such a cruel crime, but Jeremy isn't taking no for an answer he begins to beat up Timothy, finally, Timothy gives in and is forced to rape Catherine

After an hour of raping her, they stab a knife into her heart killing her instantly.

Timothy ran out of the house crying his guts out

" I hate you guys"

"Go stop that fucker before he does anything stupid".

"Listen here the child is in this house find her now!!!!

They begun to search for Lucy in every corner of the house, Darius hoes and searches upstairs when he entered Lucy's room, Lucy tried holding her breath but Darius stands in front of the closet door

"Found ya"

He kicks the closet door open Lucy screams, Darius pulls her by the hair down the stairs

"I found our priced jewel".

"You monsters what have you done with my mother.

"Hush watch your town or you will suffer the same fate as your whore mother".

"What should we do with her".

" I'm thinking".

" You know we can just knock her out and go dumb her body by the river I bet you the gators would appreciate it" .

"Good idea brother".

Darius picks up the bat a hits Lucy on the head rendering her unconscious immediately. They drag Lucy's body to the cliff and toss her in the river, the boys walk away happy and proud of their actions.

Lucy begins to drift in and out of consciousness the fall broke her arm, fractured her spine, broke her ribs cracking her skull she was practically paralyzed.

Before passing out Lucy saw an old crocked man reaching out his arm.

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