Chapter 4: Jeremy

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Days after The Devious 5 brutally raped and murdered Catherine Clarkson and tossing her 12-year-old daughter from a cliff into the water believing she is dead, but so they thought little did they know Lucy has gained strength and is on her way to eliminate them one by one.

Jeremy decided that it's time for his gang to go for another rodeo but this time they are looking for a bigger score that would give them enough money to leave Freymont. Jeremy is going to their normally meeting spot to meet up with Darius so that they could come up with a plan.

On the way Jeremy feels a thud at the back of his head and falls down to the floor, he awakes several minutes later in an abandoned warehouse, he sees this figure in a white dress, black blood oozing out of her eyes and holding a machete.

"Who the fuck you and why do you have me tied up, wait aren't you that 12-year-old daughter of the whore we killed.

"Don't you dare call my mother a whore".

Lashing out in anger Lucy chops off Jeremy's fingers on both hands, he screams out loudly in pain.

"Shut up you disgust me".

She then pulls his right eye out of its socket and cuts it off.

Jeremy begged for mercy but Lucy is having none of it.

"Did you stop when you tortured my mother after I'm done with you, you will not have any limbs left nor a face".

"Jeremy you took away everything I had you, you raped and killed my mother beat her up senseless and stabbed her with a knife in the heart.
You didn't stop there it wasn't enough for you, you ordered your gang to throw me off a cliff, leaving me half dead, you will pay for what you did, you will "pay for your sins" are the words I'm uttering sound familiar.

"We didn't mean to kill your mother our plan was to steal something valuable that's was part of Timothy's initiation, things just took a turn  for the worst, please forgive me show me mercy please Lucy I beg you!!.."

Lucy breaks both his arms and brutally tears them off his shoulders. He asks for mercy but Lucy isn't showing any

" Fuck you, Jeremy, you think I will show you mercy after what you did to my mother I'm going to kill you and your friends one by one and unfortunately you won't be alive to warn them, I'm going to cut out your heart and drinks its blood.

" No please forgive me, please!!.

Jeremy pleads with Lucy, but Lucy shows no remorse. Before stabbing him she pulls out the other eye out of its socket and cuts it off.

"I told you I'm going to deface you and tear your limbs off you know what I believe you still have some facial features left".

She cuts off both his ears, chops off his nose and finally cuts out his cheeks.

Lucy begins to stab Jeremy repeatedly in the chest, thereafter she cuts out his heart and cuts it open and drinks its blood, she becomes stronger her heart darker the demon inside of her stronger. She decides to behead Jeremy and keeps his head with her.

"Wait I'm not done here he still has legs left"

Before leaving the warehouse with the faceless head of Jeremy she rips of both his legs leaving the corps completely without a head and limbs. She heads back to the old man's cabin and places Jeremy's head there

"The heads of the others will soon follow".

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