Chapter 1: Forever

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Justin's POV:

She's my everything. The reason I breathe, the reason I smile, the reason I live.

Without her, I'm nothing.

I love her more than anything in the world.

She's the sun to my universe, the warmth to my heart, the reason I love. She's mine.

Mia Rose, maiden name Johnson, current last name Bieber.

I love her, and I'm not afraid to show it. I don't care what other people think of us. I think we're perfect. Yeah, we had plenty of horrible moments. But, what matters is that we're still together now, and we're stronger than ever.

I almost lost her a few times. Some times were over stupid arguments, and two times were for her depression. When Mia's mother past and she suffered her miscarriage, she tried to commit suicide. This was her first suicide attempt.

She wasn't herself. She was depressed, but somehow I put a smile back on her face. When she's depressed, I'm depressed.

You know why?

Well, because Mia and I are one. If she's hurting, I'm hurting. I try to put a smile on her face as much as possible.

But, there was a time where her depression came back. This time, ten times worse. A month ago, she attempted to commit suicide again. She was almost successful, but thank God she wasn't. This was her second suicide attempt.

At first, I thought she was really gone. My heart ached for her as I thought about her being gone. It was the worst feeling in the world. Then, I got the news that she was alive. I experienced so much relief.

For the past month, I have been trying my hardest to keep a smile on her face. Half of the time, I have. She still has her breakdowns here and there.

I haven't seen the kids in so long and I hate it so much. It's been a month, but it feels like a year. But, I can't have them see her like this.

I can't wait until Mia gets better. I'm gonna spend as much family time with her and the kids as much as possible. I wanna live a great life, and I know I can do that with Mia by my side.

Who knows? Maybe we'll have another baby along the way.

I will always love her. Forever and always.

* The next morning *

I pull Mia into my chest as she continues to sleep, me cuddling with her even more.

Sleeping for me is the hardest thing in the world. I have to wake up constantly throughout the night to make sure Mia doesn't try anything.

* Flashback *

"Mia, don't do it!"

I continue to watch the hearbreaking sight of Mia holding a knife to her throat, my heart beating fast. It's 2 A.M.

"Justin, if you loved me you'd like me do this!," she shouts. Tears continue to run down her face as she shakes in fear and eagerness.

It's clear that she wants to leave this world, but that's not happening. Until God tells her it's time to go, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep her by my side.

"Justin, I-I can't do this," she chokes out.

"Mia, I know you can. Just stay with me babe. I can make it all better. I promise," I gush out.

Her breathing gets harder and she shakes even more, and it makes me think she's gonna slit her throat any second now.

Her breathing gets hitched in her throat as clenches the knife closer to her throat. I come closer and she lets out loud sobs, dropping the knife.

I grab her and wrap my arms around her waist, allowing her to cry into my chest.

"I know you're hurting babe. But, I promise I can you feel better. I promise. I love you."

"Forever and A-Always," she cries. I kiss her forehead and cup her face in my hands.

I place a sweet kiss on her nose. "Time heals all Mia."

*End of flashback*

I see her finally open her eyes and I smile at her. I get a weak smile in return as I lean down and kiss her cheek.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning," she says back.

"How'd you sleep babe?," I ask.

"I slept fine. I guess."

I chuckle at her. "You hungry? I can make breakfast for us."

She nods and she gets up and goes to the bathroom.

I follow her and stand outside the door. I hate when she has to go use the bathroom. Everytime she's in there, I knock every two seconds to see if she's okay. She hasn't tried anything in the bathroom yet, but just in case.

I knock on the door and hear her groan.

"Justin, I'm fine babe."

"I'm just making sure," I reply.

When she gets done, we make our way downstairs and to the kitchen.

Mia sits on the counter as I take out the ingredients and stuff to make breakfast.

"So, Chef Bieber. What are we having for breakfast?," she asks.

I look up and smile, pecking her lips.

"It's a surprise Mia."

I open the drawer and I scan my eyes over the knifes, forks, and spoons. I hear loud breathing and see Mia staring at the knives, having a panic attack. The panic attack leads to a breakdown.

I slam the drawer shut and go to Mia, attempting to comfort her. She continues to stare into space.

"Mia, calm down."

I rest my hands on her knees and she jumps out of her skin.

"It's just me Mia. Don't worry."

She holds her chest and attempts to control her heaving breathing.

"Justin," she calls. She pants more.

"Yes?!," I answer, getting more concerned.

"I can't breathe," she pants out.

I rub her back and pick her up from off the counter, placing her down.

"Take a few deep breaths," I say.

She does as she is told and wraps her arms around my waist, holding me tight.



This is just the opening chap! You want the next chap? 20+ votes and a few comments, and it's all yours!

The kids are gonna come in a few chaps or so.

Also, most of you probably read Life as Makenzie after Being Mrs. Bieber. If you are reading this book after Being Mrs. Bieber, then you need to know that Life as Makenzie ended on a huge cliffhanger, which will be answered later in this book of after. I haven't really decided yet. Lol

But, yeah.

I'll update when I can :)

I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

Forever and always (sequel to Being Mrs. Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now