The Dancer Chapter 9

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Chelyans pov

Stormie's dinner was amazing. Afterwards I was exhausted and I have plans with Ross tomorrow. I wouldn't exactly call it a date, I mean as much as I wanted it to be a date it was Rocky's idea.

Chelyan: guys I'm zonked. I'm gonna go to bed

Rydel: Zonked?

Chelyan: yeah it means exhausted my mom always says it.

Ellington: I like it

Ross: well you'd probably better get to sleep we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

Chelyan: exactly! Night

Everyone: night

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

Ross pov

*The next day*

I woke up and got ready for my day with Chelyan. I decided to wear a cool t-shirt, jeans, and my converse. I packed bathing suits for us in case we go to the beach. I went downstairs so mom could do my hair

Chelyan pov

I woke up and immediately began to get ready. I put on my black high waisted shorts with my red solid t-shirt with my red converse. I put on my make up with a red Hollywood glam looking lip stick (it's my signature trend) mascara, blush and a touch of eye shadow. I then proceeded to wand my hair. By the time I was done I looked like I had just walked out of cruisin' for a bruisin' from Teen Beach Movie. I laughed at myself. I picked up my drawstring back pack and put my highwaisted bikini with the buttons in case he took me to the beach. I was done getting ready so I went down stairs to see Ross looking great with his hair perfect. I knew stormie did it, Ross admitted in an interview!

Ross: you look great

I could feel myself blushing

Chelyan: th-thanks. So do you.

He smiled and grabbed his keys.

Ross: let's go.

The Dancer R5 Fanfiction (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant