The Dancer Ch 25
Ross pov
Today is our date I'm soo nervous!! I got us some really good seats and everything. The rink is set up. Boy I'm nervous i hope she enjoys this. I'm in my room running around trying to find something to wear.
Ross: MOM!!!!!
Stormie: YEAH?!?!
Ross: COME HERE!!!
My mom came running up the stairs
Stormie: Yes?
Mom: I can't find what I should wear, I'm taking her to a concert and skating help?
My mom has a magic touch with this sort of thing. She came out with a of jeans and a nice T-shirt.
Ross: thanks, Mom.
I hope Rydel has something planned.
Chelyan pov
Rydel came to my house around 2 hours before Ross was supposed to be here.
Rydel: to the closet!
She ran to my room rummaging through my clothes. she came out with one of my edgy t-shirts and a biker jacket with a pair of my long skating pants. (Which I thought was odd) the t-shirt was yellow and said I ❤️ Music but had headphones around music. She told me to go get dressed and she would accessorize it. So much jewelry and she curled my hair and put on my signature red lipstick. I put on a pair of black converse and was to go.
Rydel: Where do you keep your skates?
Chelyan: they are over there in my ZÜCA.
Rydel: you should probably go to the bathroom before you go. Your not gonna wanna miss anything.
I went to the bathroom and when I came back out Ross was there ready for us to go. His mouth hung open when he saw what I was wearing. I realized he was staring at my butt in my tight pants.
Chelyan: hey! Eyes above the equator!
Ross blushed
Ross: sorry
Chelyan: you look really nice!
Ross: no, you look nice... Actually you look amazing!
Chelyan: aww!! What are we doing?
Ross: come on!
I grabbed his arm as he led me to his car. He opened the door for me and ran to his side to open his own.
Ross: I can't wait for you to see what I have planned.
Chelyan: well the suspense is killing me.
He laughed and he hooked up his phone and played a playlist of music that he knew I liked.
Chelyan: what's the title of this playlist?
Ross: it's Chelyan. It's all the songs you've showed me and I bought then and put all the R5 songs in it as well.
Chelyan: I love you so much
Ross: I love you too
He said as we pulled up to a giant arena and on the marquee it read " Lindsey Sterling: Shatter me Tour Tonight" I looked at Ross
Chelyan: You didn't!
I said in disbelief.
Ross: Oh, but I did
He said as he handed me my ticket.
Chelyan: Oh my gosh. FIRST ROW!!!
I was freaking out. I was gonna see Lindsey Sterling Live.

The Dancer R5 Fanfiction (Editing)
RandomWhen Chelyan goes to her last dance competition in Cali, she is nervous when she is told that her favorite band, R5, will be there with their old studio, The Rage. Her one shot to show her idols her talent could turn into something much more when th...