Chapter 64

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Ross pov
She's been at rehearsals everyday. You can tell she's loving every minute of what she's doing. She actually got me a job on set as a swing for Jack or something. Today's my first day on the job and the boys are amazing. They are the best people ever and I feel like I have friends here.
"Ok full rehearsal in 5" the director shouts.
Chelyan scrambles off the stage to get dressed.
When they returned, they took it from the top. The boy playing Jack has great skills, and Chelyan acts comfortable working with him (probably from being surrounded by guys these past months).
When she sings her solo, Watch What Happens, she sings it her way and I love that she communicates with the audience. She is so into her character, and the fact that her personality fits the song perfectly makes it even better
King Of New York, a personal favorite, features my tapping girlfriend.
All went well until... the scene. I forgot about that. Jealousy and rage coursed through me as I saw Chelyan kissing her co-star. Luckily they stopped before I could do anything I'd regret. Maybe that's how she feels when I had to kiss Laura.
"Ok that's all for today opening night is in 3 months."
The director announces that everyday.

Katie pov
Without Chelyan or Ross here, things have been falling apart. Elora and Dani constantly pick at each other and I have to break them up! Chelyan was always the "Mom" kind of friend, and handled these things well, but now I normally hand them off to their boyfriends, but I don't think anyone has missed her as much as me. She and I were inseparable but without her I have no one to crack jokes with. or talk to except-"Kate?" Rocky.
"Hey.." I said in a sad tone.
"Babe.. Come here" he said with arms open.
I ran into them gladly. I started crying into his chest. This happens regularly now, I cry, he comforts me.
"Have you called her?"
I shook my head. "Call her you'll feel better. Ross told me she gets out at 9 in our time so call her." I nodded and told the girls that we'd FaceTime with her so we can finally see her again

Elora pov
I always knew she'd make it on Broadway! I'm proud of her but our careers are suffering! I know it sounds selfish, but I moved out here for EDC and we've inducted Katie, so we are having a dispute on a new name.
Riker has been a great person to have around. His positivity reminds me of Chelyan so I don't miss her as much.
If anything I can't wait for her to come back.

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