Chapter 19

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(A/N all the guys are single btw)

The dancer Ch 19

When we went back in the room, everyone was gone. I knew Katie was behind this so it doesn't phase me whenever they all jump out Rocky, Riker, Ry, and Ell. They all screamed but me.

Ell: Why didn't that scare you.

I pointed at Katie

Chelyan: because she was here. That's all our sleepovers consisted of. her scaring the crap out of me and making me scream like a baby

I said as I walked up to her.

Katie: It's true

Rocky: your mischievous...I like it!

He highfived her.

Katie: Thanks.

Chelyan: anyway, I'm gonna put on some music.

I grabbed my phone and hit shuffle on my spotify. The next thing I knew R5 played off my playlist. They looked at me with funny expressions.

Chelyan: Let me explain myself! I downloaded spotify because my iTunes is messed up and I was unable to download any of your music. But i do have some instrumentals too.

They nodded.

Ross: What instrumental pieces do you have?

Chelyan: Lindsey Sterling, and David Lanz.

Dani: Lindsey Sterling is really good, Chelyan put some on!!

Chelyan: Ok!

I put on my favorite, "Shatter Me" which features Lizzy Hale. When the dubstep part comes on The band looks shocked.

Ross: Is that a violin?

Chelyan: Yup!

I think I might have just hooked R5.

Ross pov

I have the best idea ever. A date. This has been the best idea I've ever gotten. I got on my phone and searched Lindsey Sterling's tour and they'd be here in a matter of days. I bought tickets. First I'm gonna take her to a skating rink and book the whole ice rink for the two of us and then to the concert. She's gonna love it.

Ellingtons pov

After I talked with Chelyan, I realized I did have feelings for Del. I always have. I finally have the courage to ask her out, but there's only one small detail.... Riker. He might kill me with my own drum sticks! I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I'm just hoping that Riker won't be mad.

Rocky pov

Katie. Who knew that a WV girl could be the one to rock my world? I think we should change Cali Girls to West Virginia Girls instead. Anyway, her curly brown hair reaches right past her shoulders. Her eyes are big, brown, and beautiful. She's also the biggest goofball I've ever seen. She is the weirdest human being I've ever met, but also one of the best people I've ever met as well. She can make anyone laugh. I love her for that. I'm gonna ask her out but I need to know more about her like Chelyan said.

Riker pov

The more I get to know Elora, the more I like about her. Starting with the fact that she watched me on Glee. She is also the perfect height. ..short. She is athletic and has a great tan. She's a ball of energy, too. She's smart, funny, pretty, what more could a guy want?

Ryland pov

Dani... What can I say? She is perfect. Her blue eyes are like the ocean. Her long hair flows down her back in a braid. Her makeup is flawless. (I have a sister I know these things) She is wearing Red lipstick just like Chelyan's but the only difference, is that I want to kiss Dani's. She is beautiful. I can't wait to ask her out.

Chelyan pov

It's getting late, not for me but for some of us, midnight is late.

Chelyan: I'm not tired but I know that Dani and Elora are, so we need to go to bed.

Elora: Sleeping arrangements... Guys on one side girls on the other?

I thought about that suggestion

Chelyan: I don't think it really matters as long as no funny business happens.

Riker: Agreed.

Rydel: fine by me!

Ell slept beside Rydel, Ross curled up to me, Katie and Rocky beside us so I could talk to Katie that night because we had A LOT to catch up on, Riker slept beside Rocky and next to elora, who was facing Dani with Ryland right beside her.

---later that night ----

Katie and I planned to get up and talk to each other. One problem, Ross's arms are strongly wrapped around me! If I try to get up I'll wake him.

Chelyan: Ross, I gotta pee.

He had to wake up but once he was he immediately released me from his grip and fell right back to sleep.

Chelyan: Sorry I'm late! Ross wouldn't release me.

I laughed as I found Katie on the couch.

Katie: It's ok, you guys are adorable by the way!

Chelyan: Thanks

Katie: Ok so other than Ross and the show, what else is new?

I couldn't keep it in any more

Chelyan: Rocky likes you!!!

I blurted out. Katie smiled.

Chelyan: I know you like him too!!! I'm so excited!!!

Katie: Chill, I like him it's not like we are getting engaged.

Chelyan: but you want to

We laughed. She told me how all my guy friends were doing, and all the funny stories that I've missed. We've known each other since pre-school.

Chelyan: I'm honestly a little home sick.

My aunt is living in our house now but left my old room untouched and the rest of the house untouched as well.

Katie: I understand, but hey the humidity levels are at least lower here!

I giggled. Next thing you know I was yawning and we went back up to bed. Ross woke up a little when I layed down beside him but immediately put his arms back around me.

The Dancer R5 Fanfiction (Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt