Chelyan pov
I was so happy! My first performance was a success!
We got onto the bus, hyper and excited. I plugged my phone into the speaker and started blasting Ain't No Way We're Goin' Home. I was singing.. Well, yelling the lyrics. When someone picked me up and turned me upside down. I then realized Chris's shoes. "Put me down!" I pleaded
"Nope. Not until you say that your not gonna be depressed." He said.
"Fine! I promise! Now put me down, all the blood as rushed to my head!"
He put me down and I giggled a little.
"Chely Post-show selfie!" Katie told me. I ran over to her so we could get a picture.
A couple minutes later my phone ringtone for Ross started ringing. (His ringtone is If I Can't Be With You). I picked up and he started talking immediately. "Are you ok? I saw the videos, posts, everything! What happened tonight?" He frantically asked. I giggled a bit "I'm fine, I just got emotional during a song, luckily Chris was able to calm me down before the bridge."
"Woah, woah, woah! Chris? Why is he there?" He asked.
"He's opening for us apparently, I only found out today. "
"Oh.. So other than that how was your show?"
"Amazing, we did a couple covers, and people are responding well,"
"That's good!"
We carried on the conversation for a while until I finally had to sleep. "Well I got to go to sleep-"
"Speaking of sleep, how you like your own bunk?"
"Being a restless sleeper isn't good with those things but I really haven't tried my own out yet."
"Well I'll let you go. Night love you"
"Love you too, Bye" I hung up and went to sleep.

The Dancer R5 Fanfiction (Editing)
RandomWhen Chelyan goes to her last dance competition in Cali, she is nervous when she is told that her favorite band, R5, will be there with their old studio, The Rage. Her one shot to show her idols her talent could turn into something much more when th...