Chapter 45

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Chelyan pov

I was so happy! My first performance was a success!

We got onto the bus, hyper and excited. I plugged my phone into the speaker and started blasting Ain't No Way We're Goin' Home. I was singing.. Well, yelling the lyrics. When someone picked me up and turned me upside down. I then realized Chris's shoes. "Put me down!" I pleaded

"Nope. Not until you say that your not gonna be depressed." He said.

"Fine! I promise! Now put me down, all the blood as rushed to my head!"

He put me down and I giggled a little.

"Chely Post-show selfie!" Katie told me. I ran over to her so we could get a picture.

A couple minutes later my phone ringtone for Ross started ringing. (His ringtone is If I Can't Be With You). I picked up and he started talking immediately. "Are you ok? I saw the videos, posts, everything! What happened tonight?" He frantically asked. I giggled a bit "I'm fine, I just got emotional during a song, luckily Chris was able to calm me down before the bridge."

"Woah, woah, woah! Chris? Why is he there?" He asked.

"He's opening for us apparently, I only found out today. "

"Oh.. So other than that how was your show?"

"Amazing, we did a couple covers, and people are responding well,"

"That's good!"

We carried on the conversation for a while until I finally had to sleep. "Well I got to go to sleep-"

"Speaking of sleep, how you like your own bunk?"

"Being a restless sleeper isn't good with those things but I really haven't tried my own out yet."

"Well I'll let you go. Night love you"

"Love you too, Bye" I hung up and went to sleep.

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