Chapter 48

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Chelyan pov

Everything has been super awkward between me and Chris, after I overheard his conversation with Elora.

I've kept my distance and I could tell he knew something was up. It's been about a couple days since I found out.

After sound check, he confronted me with his question. "Chely, what's up? You've barely spoken to me these past few days!" I looked at my feet and shifted my weight from each foot until he finally stopped me with his arms and used his hand to make me look at him. "Chelyan, I want an answer!" I sighed. "Fine, I overheard your convo with Elora, and I know about your feelings for me.." I said really fast.

He backed away, a little shocked and embarrassed. "Oh.." he replied. "Yeah.." I said. We were so awkward. i wasn't paying attention when all of a sudden I felt someone's lips on mine. It took me a second to react, but as soon as I could I pulled away.

I did the only thing I could think of doing. I bolted. Out if the stage and into the bus. I climbed in my bunk, and disappeared into a puddle of tears.

I promised Ross.

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