avoiding you ∥18

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Heerin's phone can't stop vibrating

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Heerin's phone can't stop vibrating. Ever since she left Seungmin in rush and hasn't told him what has happened, the guy keeps dialing her number and sending her text messages.

Heerin cuddles herself into a ball under the blanket, looking as burrito as ever. Her mind drifts to the picture of his father. She feels disgusted. How can one lives so perfectly without feeling ashamed of his done or his father to be exact.

She grew angrier when she realizes that  there's in no way, Hyunjin is the one at fault. It's already the time for her to get ready for uni, grabbing a casual attire from her wardrobes, she puts it on before heading outside.

She wants to avoid him. She doesn't want to even see his sight near her. Heerin decides that it's the best if she just walks to her uni. It's a quite long journey but she has no other choice. Taking a cab will be the last thing on her mind. Ever since the tragedy, she's been paralyzed from taking a four-wheels vehicle; bigger vehicle like a bus is excluded, though.

Heerin knows deep down inside, Hyunjin might not even recognize her. When the trial took place, he was not there. It might have a big chance that he also had a hard time acknowledging his father was a murderer. She feels guilty somehow. He was so young when the tragedy happened.

Forget about him. He's a nobody

She hears loud voices on her head. Both screaming two different things. Heerin clenches on the light pole near her. After almost a year of not having this feeling, it came, again.

Heerin gasps for air, hitting her chest couples of time. She falls to the ground, still fighting over her panic attack.

Please, please end now

She holds the pole, tighter. Scooting closer to it. It's so painful. She feels like her breath is cut off – it's so suffocating.

"Heerin!" She hears a voice behind her, yelling her name. She feels a large pair of hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Heerin, inhale" She follows him, doing exactly what he tells her. "Exhale. Again" she does it a couple of times before the panic attack is gone.

She's exhausted. Her eyelids suddenly feels so heavy that she can't keep them wide open. The male is just staring at her with worried gaze. "Heerin, please don't-" before he can finish his sentence, darkness has already blurred her gaze. Her body almost falls to the ground, but he is quick to catch her beforehand.

The male carries her bridal style and stops a taxi. "Please bring me to xxxxx apartment. Quick" he tells the driver which the driver nods at his remark. The male stares at her unconscious form with blurry gaze as tears keep building, threatening to fall.

"Please be strong... for me" he whispers under his unstable breathing. The taxi stops when it has reached the tall, enormous building. He pays the taxi driver before carrying her inside.

He tucks her on his bed. Yes, he knows he shouldn't have brought her to his home and instead to the hospital, but ever since his mum's death, he's afraid of being anywhere near the building. He's afraid he'll lose someone important to him, again.

He takes a seat on the chair beside the bed, running his hands through her hair. After sometime, the girl's eyes flutter open. He quickly stands up from his sitting form, asking whether she's feeling okay or not. She nods with a reassuring smile.

"Wait here, I'll bring you water" he tells before instantly goes to the kitchen. He comes back with a glass of water in his hands and he offers it to her. She chucks down the water before placing the empty glass on the table bed.

"What a déjà vu" she chuckles. The younger male knotted his eyebrows. "A what?" Heerin pats his head, ruffling his hair. "Such a forgetful young man" Heerin stands up almost immediately. Hyunjin panics. He's being extra cautious about her since she fainted a minute ago and now back acting like nothing happened. "Careful" he told, still as afraid as ever.

"I'm fine. Thanks for saving me again, Jinnie" she said after a long pause, making Hyunjin's mind filled with curiosity.

The next chapter is going to be a little flashback to Heerin's past. It's probably the most important chapter for this plot. Please keep an eye on that and recall back whatever clues I've wrote before this. Thanks for reading!


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