Chapter 1

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Maverick POV

[I'm in a dust store called "Dust 'Till Dawn." I'm checking out the weapons. I'm kind of a weapons freak. If you were someone like me then you definitely were. I hear some men come in but I don't pay them any mind. It's not my problem. A gentleman walks behind me and girl who's listening to music]

Man: I said put your hands in the air!

[The man taps us on the shoulder. I pay him no mind. I am then tapped on the shoulder by the girl next to me]

Maverick: What?

Ruby: We're being robbed.

Maverick: All I want to do is read a weapons magazine. Is that too much to ask?

[Before I knew it, the girl had thrown the man outside through the window. She pulls out her weapon with apparently is a giant scythe. I had to admit I was kind of impressed but I wasn't about to be showed up. I run outside to help the girl out. I stand in between them]

Maverick: So, want to tell me why you're doing this?

[The men don't answer]

Maverick: No? Okay. Well remember that I gave you an out.

[I swiped my right in a downward position. A menu appeared in front of me. I pressed a button and then my clothes changed. I also had a hammer on my side]

Maverick: Don't worry about this, girlie. I got this.

[I drew my hammer. My hammer began to glow]


[I jumped into the air and did three front flips and as I landed, I slammed my hammer straight down into the ground. This left a huge impact which sent the men flying. This knocked them out cold]


[The man in charge walks out front]

Leader: Worth every cent truly you both were. Well Red and Black, as much as I want to stick around, I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

[He raises his cane and prepares to fire a shot at us. I switch from my hammer to my sword and before he can pull the trigger, I have my sword at his neck]

Maverick: I don't think so.

[The leader looks at me with fear but it quickly changes to a smile. In one quick motion, he fires a shot at the girl. I see it coming and I wrap my arms around her and push her out of the way. We land hard on the ground. I look at her]

Maverick: You okay?

[The girl's face is as red as her cape. I help her up and then see that the man is gone]

Maverick: Where did he go?

[The girl points in the direction that he went. The shopkeep walks out of the store]

Girl: You okay if we go after him?

[The shopkeep gives us a nod. The girl uses her scythe as a gun to blast her into the air and land on the roof where the leader was trying to get away]

Maverick: Show off.

[I activate one of my semblances: teleportation. I am then on the roof with the other two]

Girl: Hey!

Leader: Persistent.

[A bullhead arrives and he gets on. He throws a piece of dynamite in front of us. I grab the girl and pull her away]

Maverick: Look out!

[The leader fires a shot at the dynamite and it explodes. I equip my shield and shield us from the blast. A woman with blonde hair and holding a riding crop appears. She uses magic to throw hail at the bullhead. Suddenly the bullhead door opens and a lady in a red dress uses magic to shoot fireballs at us. I teleport out of the way as the lady helps the girl. The woman then uses the shards from the impact on the roof to make a giant arrow and shoot it at the bullhead. The fiery lady creates several fire circles in an attempt to burn us alive. I grab both girls and teleport them out of the way. The bullhead starts to fly away. I switch my weapons from my sword to my bow and arrow]

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