Chapter 12

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3rd Person POV

[Maverick sat outside Ozpin's office. He has his head own. Sitting beside him are the Aincrad girls]

Silica: Oh no! Maverick is going to get expelled?

Lisbeth: Why would he get expelled? All he did was defend someone.

Sachi: Yeah by shooting an arrow through a guy's hand and then smashing him into a wall.

Leafa: Still, it was self defense.

Asuna: I'm not sure that Ozpin will see it that way.

Yuuki: I have say in anything, Maverick will not be expelled today. Because if he is, I'll cut Ozpin where he stands.

Asuna: That would cause such problems. We came her to answer questions. Not cause problems.

Sinon: We could easily take down anything that came our way. All of us combined, no one can stand in our way.

[Glynda walks outside]

Glynda: Maverick, Ozpin will see you now.

[Maverick stands up but before he leaves he looks at the girls]

Maverick: Wish me luck.

[Maverick leaves]

Silica: Oh! I'm so scared! If Maverick leaves, then where does that leave us?

[RWBY, JNPR, and Coco and Velvet appear. The Aincrad girls stand up and face the Beacon Girls]

Koharu: Why are you here?

Ruby: Maverick is our friend so why wouldn't be we here?

Yang: Yeah. You got a problem or something?

Leafa: As a matter of fact, we do.

Weiss: Really? What is that?

Lisbeth: Maverick is ours so back off!

Blake: What are you going to do? Stop us?

Yuuki: We easily could. Didn't you see what we did to all those Grimn?

Nora: They got a point, guys. We wouldn't stand a chance.

Pyrrha: That doesn't mean we'll give up without a fight!

Coco: Why is he so important to your girls anyway?

[One by one, all the Aincrad girls tell their stories]

Koharu POV


Koharu: Hi, I'm Koharu!

Maverick: Maverick.

[Time skip]

Koharu: I'm so scared! What if we don't get out of here?

Maverick: I'll be right by your side.

[Time skip]

Koharu: Please! Leave me alone!

Laughing Coffin: You're not nothing without the Weapon's master are you?

Maverick: Leave her alone!

Laughing Coffin: Ahh!

Koharu: You saved me! Why?

Maverick: Because I love you.

[Time skip]

Maverick: Please. Don't leave me!

Koharu: I'm sorry, Maverick. I will always love you.

[End flashback]

Asuna POV

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