Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

[Ozpin and Glynda are watching all of the events on a tablet]

Glynda: The last pair has been formed, sir. (taps the screen to show the ending scene of "The Emerald Forest") Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos. (the video changes to Pyrrha and Jaune Arc's trek through the woods)

Ozpin: Mmmm...

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. (deactivates the tablet, walking back a little) I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. (turning back to Ozpin) "Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year? (silence) "Professor Ozpin?"

[Ozpin doesn't answer. He is watching Yuuki killing Grimn with her OSS. She and Asuna have already got their pieces so Yuuki is just getting EXP. Glynda watches Yuuki and her OSS]

Glynda: How do they do that?

Ozpin: No idea. They are a very strange bunch.

Glynda: They are certainly a weird group of nine.

Ozpin: Wait. Nine? They only sent eight!

[They look at the person in the cloak]

Glynda: Looks like we have a stowaway. What should we do?

Ozpin: Nothing. I'm sure Maverick has already noticed this.

[Maverick, Silica, and Lisbeth are walking to the temple to get the relics. On the way, they see Sachi and Leafa. They all go together. Maverick is focused on the goal while the girls are focused on him. He gets a message]

Maverick: Huh. Sinon is on her way.

[All of the girls gave a quit growl. Maverick heard this but ignored it. He doesn't do relationships and he had a good reason. They eventually reach the temple. Maverick turns to them]

Maverick: Okay. So who's paired up with who?

Leafa: I'm with Sachi.

Lisbeth: I'm with Silica.

[Sinon appears and stands next to Maverick. She has a triumphant look on her face]

Sinon: You and me.

Maverick: That leaves Yuuki with Asuna. By the look of things, they've already come through.

Sinon: Okay. Let's all head back.

[Yang and Blake appear]

Yang: Oh hey! Looks like they made it.

Blake: This place really isn't hard to find.

[Yang walks over to Maverick]

Yang: Thanks for save back there, stud.

[Yang wraps her arm around Maverick. Each girl gave off an angry aura. Including Blake]

Maverick: You're welcome.

[Maverick gets away from Yang and walks away. Yang looks to the rest of the girls]

Yang: Don't think you girls and that purple girl are the only ones after him. I'm in this competition too.

[Blake stutters and the rest of the girls look at her]

Blake: ...Me too.

[Lisbeth sighs]

Lisbeth: As if there wasn't enough competition already!

Sinon: I have the lead. I'm his teammate.

Leafa: A team is formed with four people who it's possible two more of us will be with him as well.

Yang: Unless it's me and Blake.

[Leafa draws her rapier]

Leafa: If that does happen, I will cut you where you stand.

Blake: What makes you guys so special anyway? How do you guys fight with such simple weapons. What are you doing when your weapons light up?

[Maverick returns]

Maverick: That is classified information. We were brought here so people could ask us questions. They will not get answers.

Yang: Why? Is it really that bad?

[All the Aincrad students present look down]

Yang: Wow.

[A noise in the distance is heard]

Yang: Blake, did you hear that? (turns to her partner) What should we do?

Finally, the faint-but-growing-louder scream of "Heads uuuuuuuup!" is heard when Ruby falls from the sky and presumably crash lands to the ground.

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