Chapter 6

873 13 9

3rd Person POV

[Yang Xiao Long is walking and looking around]

Yang: (calling out) Helloooooooo? (not seeing a shadow quickly pass by) Is anyone out there? Helloooo?" (stops and raises her arms) I'm getting bored here! (hears a rustling in the bushes behind her and turns) Is someone there? (the rustling continues as Yang comes over and peaks inside) Ruby, is that you?

[A low, inhuman growl is heard, and Yang's head rises up as she stares at the creature]

Yang: Nope!

[Yang quickly rolls to the side as an Ursa charges out of the green. She gets up and activates her Ember Celica, staring at the monster before another Ursa runs out behind her. She leaps over it, and its companion runs at her again, only to get knocked back by a fiery punch. The other Ursa and Yang charge at each other, and Yang manages to get under it and deliver several punches and a kick to send the creature back]

Yang: You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you? (the Ursai merely growl at her) You could just say "no".

[One of the Ursai stands on its legs and swipes at her twice, Yang barely dodging the attacks]

Yang: (laughing) Geeeez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba...

[Before she can complete her insult, a single strand of her golden hair falls in front of her face and lands on the forest floor]

Yang: You... (closes her violet eyes, then opens them to reveal red, making the Ursai look at each other confusedly before Yang screams) You monster!!!

[Yang prepares to attack but a voice and a sword skill is seen first which stops Yang in her tracks]


[Yuuki easily defeats the Grimn]

Yuuki: Hey, girls!

[Yang just stares at Yuuki as Blake arrives]

Yang: I could've taken him.

[Meanwhile, Weiss is facing off against the Grimn as Sinon is in the distance preparing to fire an arrow]

Weiss: (in her head) Remember your training, Weiss. Head up, shoulders back, right foot forward - not that forward! - slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike, and... (brings her rapier up, the revolver spinning) Now!

[Sinon fires her arrow]


[Weiss dashes forward with her loaded weapon at the Beowolf in front of her, just when Ruby suddenly appears between the two in a blur of rose petals and a swipe of her Crescent Rose scythe but then they both realize the Grimn is already gone]

Ruby: Gotcha! I mean...I got you?

[Weiss and Ruby look for where the arrow came from]

Weiss: What was that?

Ruby: It must have been one of Maverick's friends.

Weiss: There is no way that a single arrow could've done that!

Ruby: Well apparently it did.

Weiss: Excuse me! You attacked out of turn! I could have killed you!

Ruby: You'll have to try a lot harder than that...

Weiss: Well perhaps if you had exercised even the slightest amount of caution with the placement of your strikes, I wouldn't have set the forest on fire!

Ruby: (scoffs) What's that supposed to mean?

Weiss: I'm just surprised someone who talks so much would communicate so little during an encounter!

Ruby: Well, I'm sorry you need my help to win a fight. I'm just fine on my own!

Weiss: Well, congratulations on being the strongest child to sneak your way into Beacon. Bravo!

[Sinon sighs]

Sinon: I'm not listening to this.

[Sinon leaves the two girls alone. Meanwhile, Silica and Lisbeth are backed into a corner. Lisbeth is doing okay holding her own. Maverick arrives. He equips his hammer]

Lisbeth: I got everything completely under control!

Maverick: Is that why everything is a mess?

[Maverick activates his sword skill]


[Maverick slams his hammer into the ground causing a large impact and kill the Grimn]

Lisbeth: I had that.

Maverick: You're welcome.

Silica: Maverick, help!

[Maverick looks to see where the Silica is and he finds her dangling high from a tree branch and she's barely holding on. Silica looks down and sees Maverick. She smiles at first but then panics]

Silica: Maverick, don't look up my skirt!

Maverick: I think you got more pressing concerns.

Silica: What do I do?

Maverick: It's okay. You already have everything you need.

Silica: The power to believe in myself?

Maverick: No. ME! Just let go! I'll catch you!

[Silica is too frightened to let go]

Silica: Please don't make me do that!

[Silica starts to cry]

Maverick: Damnit.

[Maverick quickly runs up the side of the tree, grabs Silica, and falls to the ground safely with his harms wrapped around Silica. Silica is shaking in fear. Maverick rubs her head]

Maverick: Shh. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here.

[Silica stops shaking and calms down. Maverick and Silica stay in that awkward position though. This makes Lisbeth jealous]

Lisbeth: Are you two done yet?

[Silica blushes and pushes herself out of Maverick's arms]

Maverick: Ow!

Silica: Sorry.

Maverick: I keep forgetting how strong you are.

[Maverick stands]

Maverick: Okay. Let's go find the relics. I know where they are.

[Meanwhile, Ren is about to take on a giant snake Grimn. He prepares his weapons but before he could attack...]


[Yuuki comes in and kills the giant snake in a single hit]

Yuuki: Oh yeah! I'm so getting major EXP for all these kills!

[Asuna runs onto the scene]

Asuna: You need to stop showing off! Also, there is no EXP in this world!

Yuuki: Well that sucks.

[Yuuki walks away, followed by Asuna, leaving Ren with a confused look on his face]

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