Chapter 5

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Maverick POV

[I land easily on the ground. I'm a pro at this. I hear sounds of heavy feet coming my way along with some growls. I turn around and see two large Grimn. I equip my swords]

Maverick: Let's have some fun!

[The Grimn approach me]

Maverick: Try this on for size! VORPAL BEAT!

[I hit the two Grimn with my 5x hit combo. It easily destroyed both of them. While I was celebrating however, I didn't see a third Grimn behind me and try to pounce on me. I could easily dodge it but before I did...]


[A single arrow came flying in and kills the Grimn. I turn around and see Sinon walking towards me]

Maverick: Sinon, I had...

[Before I could finish that sentence, Sinon readied another arrow and aimed it at me. I already knew what that meant. Shut up]

Maverick: Thanks, Sinon.

Sinon: Better. Now come on. We're teammates. Let's go find the relics.

Maverick: Let's run in the trees and help anyone see along the way.

3rd Person POV

[Asuna had just finished off some Grimn. She hears a laugh. Asuna knew who that laugh belonged to. There was only one person with that type of laugh. It was Yuuki. She stepped into view]

Yuuki: Hey, Asuna! Looks like we're teammates now!

Asuna: (Sarcasm) Great!

Yuuki: I know right! Two great swordswomen together.

Asuna: I can take care of myself. Thank you very much. I don't need help.

Yuuki: Not when Kirito was involved.

[Asuna glares at Yuuki]

Asuna: Do not bring him up again.

[Meanwhile, Sachi lands hard on the ground. She struggles to stand up. Before she knows it, Grimn come her way. She equips her lance but it's quickly knocked out of her hands. She opens her menu and tries to message Maverick not knowing it wouldn't matter. A voice is heard]


[A sword skill is heard and the Grimn are defeated. Leafa walks toward Sachi]

Sachi: Thanks, Leafa.

Leafa: Hey, I need to protect my teammate. Now let's go find those relics.

[Meanwhile, Silica landed in a bush. She is very scared and runs quickly. At the first sound of trouble, she hid. Even though she's skilled with her dagger, she still gets very scared very easily]

Silica: I wish Maverick was here. He'd protect me. At least I have Pina with me.

[Silica hears a sound and tries to run but trips and falls. She sees a bush move. She readies her sword skill. A figure comes out of the bush]


[Silica attacked the figure. The figure turned out to be Lisbeth. Lisbeth on instinct attacked back with her sword skill]


[After the dust settles, there is a lot of damage. The girls look at each other]

Silica/Lisbeth: I'm sorry!

[The two drank health potions. They look around to see all of the damage]

Lisbeth: Huh? There is no such thing as immortal objects here.

Silica: I guess not.

[The attack however did bring Grimn to the area. The two were surrounded]

Silica: Oh no! What do we do?

Lisbeth: Easy. We message Maverick and then we hold them until he arrives.

[Meanwhile, Maverick and Sinon make it to the destination]

Maverick: Looks like we got here first.

Sinon: The relics are chess pieces? What's next? Car keys?

[The two start running around trying to find the others. They see Ruby and Weiss. Ruby runs away and Weiss stands around calling out Ruby's name. A Grimn approaches Weiss. Maverick is about to intervene when he gets a message from Silica]

Maverick: I have to go help Silica and Lisbeth. You take care of this.

[Sinon prepares an arrow]

Sinon: No problem.

Weiss: Ruby!

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