Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

[Maverick stands prepared to face his opponent. He opens his menu and equips his black trench coat]

Student: How did he do that?

[No one answers. Maverick equips his dagger and pulls it out]

Student: What's that going to do?

[The Aincrad girls just smirk while RWBYP stare in anticipation]

Yang Xiao Long: (raising her fist) "Goooo, Maverick!"

Blake Belladonna: (waving a small flag saying "MAVERICK") "Fight well!"

Ruby Rose: "Afterwards let's get cookies!"

Weiss Schnee : (lowering her sword and looking over at her "leader") "Ruby! He's trying to focus!"

Ruby: (looking sheepish) "Oh, um... Sorry..."

Port: "Allllright!" (next to the cage, pulling out his axe) "Let the match... begin!"

[The professor swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, which immediately charges at Maverick]

Port: "Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?"

[Maverick sighs and activates a sword skill]


[With one motion, Maverick kills the Grimn. Everyone, except the Aincrad, girls stared in amazement]

Maverick: Are we done here?

Port: "Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntsman-in-training! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

[Weiss storms out and Ruby goes after her. Maverick guessed they had something to work out. He leaves the classroom and heads outside. The Aincrad girls follow him. Koharu walks right next to him and wraps her arms around his. The rest of the girls, except Asuna, were livd]

Leafa: Now hold on! Stop that at once!

Koharu: Huh? Why should I?

Lisbeth: You aren't his girlfriend!

Koharu: Well, first of all, being aggressive is the way to win. Second, I am his girlfriend.

Aincrad Girls: WHAT!

Leafa: Maverick, what is she talking about?

Lisbeth: We demand an explanation!

[Maverick stops. He looks at Asuna]

Sinon: Why are you looking at Asuna? Did you tell her but not us?

[Koharu let's go of Maverick's arm]

Maverick: Remember the time I said that I lost someone in SAO and she was really important to me?

[All of the girls nod]

Maverick: Koharu was that girl.

[Maverick turns to Koharu and glares at her and draws his sword]

Maverick: How are you here? I watched you die! There is no way that you survived! I saw you evaporate? So how are you here?

[Koharu looks down]

Koharu: You are right. I did die. I'm not the real Koharu that you know. I'm basically a replica.

Maverick: What?

Koharu: The man who wanted us to come here thought it would be good motivation for you. He found out about your friend and then contacted Kayaba. Kayaba was able to create me. I'm basically Koharu. I have all of her memories. I'm just not the real Koharu that you know.

Maverick: So the man that wanted us here did that? I never told anyone except...

[Maverick turns to Asuna]

Maverick: Why did you tell anyone! You promised me you wouldn't!

Asuna: I didn't! I haven't even met the man who wants us here!

Maverick: Well, if it wasn't you then it was...

[The rest of the girls pieced everything together]

Maverick: No. I don't believe it. He would never do something like that. He promised me. I refuse to believe it.

Koharu: I'm sorry, Maverick. But it is true. Kirito told the man.

Leafa: Why would my brother do such a thing?

Lisbeth: That doesn't sound like him.

Sinon: Aren't you going to defend your boyfriend, Asuna?

Asuna: I can't because...I helped Kirito.

[Maverick is enraged. He goes to strike Asuna and she is able to block the strike just in time with her rapier]

Maverick: HOW COULD YOU!

[Maverick pushed himself back from Asuna. He stood facing her]

Maverick: How could you? I trusted you! I'm the reason why your boyfriend was able to save you when you captured! This is how you repay me?

[Maverick is livid]

Maverick: You deserve to die. And I'll gladly kill you. Kirito messed with my emotions, it's time that I did as well.

[Maverick goes to attack but is shot with a sleeping arrow. He immediately passes out. The girls see that it was Sinon who fired the arrow]

Asuna: Thank you, Sinon.

Sinon: Shut up! Walk away before I regret not letting him kill you.

[Asuna doesn't move. The rest of the girls look at Asuna in anger]

Leafa: How could you! He saved you and this is how you thank him? You're a monster! You and Kirito!

Sinon: I guess an evil king always has a queen.

[Silica and Sachi start to break down. Yuuki is absolutely livid. She draws her sword. She walks towards Asuna]

Asuna: What are you doing?

Yuuki: Finishing what Maverick started. I'm going to kill you!

Lisbeth: Wait a minute. I know we're all angry but that is very extreme!

Yuuki: No it isn't. She's basically a Grimn.

[Asuna is in tears]

Asuna: You don't understand! I had to tell them. I had no choice!

Yuuki: You always have a choice. You just made the wrong one. I could kill you right where you stand.

[Yuuki sheathes her sword]

Yuuki: But it wouldn't be worth it.

[Yuuki looks at Koharu]

Yuuki: May you take him to his room since you already got in?

Koharu: Of course.

Yuuki: No funny business. He sleeps alone.

[Koharu picks Maverick up. The rest of the girls leave Asuna standing by herself. Koharu lays Maverick down in his bed. She leans down and whispers in his ear]

Koharu: I may not be the Koharu that you know but I'll give you all the love that she wanted to give you.

[Koharu kisses Maverick's cheek and then leaves his room]

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