t w e n t y - n i n e ☕️

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we spent the new year at jeju, and we even visited jisoo's dad. i could tell the resemblance between jisoo and his dad; gentlemen, eye smile, face shape, etc.

a week into the new year, we left jeju and went back to seoul. i was pretty sad, since i couldn't keep seungkwan in contact anymore, but on the bright side, i can smell the fresh scent of seoul again.

luckily, this time, i didn't have to sit beside jisoo anymore, instead, i had to sit beside hyungwon. coming back to seoul also meant one more thing; winter break is ending and school is starting soon. sad life.

since jisoo and his mom didn't have a car, my mom offered them a ride back to their house. they hesitated, but my mom insisted, so they gave up. right now, i'm sitting in the back row with hyungwon, while jisoo and his mom sat on the middle row.

after around 30 minutes, we arrived at jisoo's house. it was an average-sized, two floored house. it was already 6PM when we arrived at their house, and jisoo's mom asked us to stay for dinner to make up for driving them home. of course, my mom agreed to.

we stepped in the house, and it was really nice and organized. there were family photos hung on their walls, and jisoo was pretty cute when he was a baby. i smiled at the pictures, and jisoo came up to me.

"i was pretty cure, huh?" he said, earning a chuckle from me. "wanna go up my room?"

"okay." i said, then i followed him up the stairs, to his room. before we even stepped in, i could already sense that the room was well-organized. jisoo seemed like the person that would just keep his room clean 24/7.

and, my guess was right. jisoo's room was very clean, it had a wash of dark blue on the walls with some white dots, kind of like the night sky. it wasn't too big, nor too small. his bed was pushed to the end of his room, a small table on the left, his walk-in closet, even a mini fridge, his guitar, and a small bean bag chair on the right.

"your room is really nice." i said.

"thanks." he then sat on his bed, and patted the space on the side, signaling me to sit down there. i then noticed the shelf on the top of his bed, filled with books and collectibles.

"i'm guessing you like to read?" i said, he nodded. "i like reading, too." i said with a chuckle.

we talked for a while, and i was surprised to see that i was actually laughing to some of his jokes. he even freestyle rapped, which was very funny.

"jisoo! haewon! dinner's ready!" his mom said.

"c'mon, let's go down, i'm starving." he said, standing up and walking out his room, with me following behind. my foot was still slightly injured, but it was not completely injured to the point where i couldn't walk, it was just injured to the point where my foot hurt every time i put pressure on it.

i groaned as my alarm clock kept beeping. sigh, this meant that winter break is officially over and we're back to reality. i stood up from my bed, walking my way towards the bathroom.

i did my morning routine, slid on my uniform, then struggled (since my foot still hurt) my way down to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

"goodmorning, haewon. does your foot still hurt?" my mom asked, concerned.

"yeah, but i can manage." i said. i made myself some cereal, then sat down on the table with my mom and hyungwon, then ate my cereal.

after hyungwon and i finished eating, we bid farewell to my mom, then headed out the house. "do you wanna ride the bus? your foot may hurt when we walk our way to school." hyungwon said.

"no, it's okay, i can walk." i said. hyungwon nodded and we headed our way to school in silence. once we arrived, hyungwon said goodbye to me and headed to the dance department. i struggled my way inside the vocal department, since my foot felt like it was being hit with a hard stone every time i step on the ground.

suddenly, i heard footsteps coming towards me. i turned around, and saw wonwoo running towards me, waving a hand.

i waved back, then he noticed that i was struggling to walk. "what happened to your- ohhh, is it because of that incident that happened last month?"

"yes- how did you know?" i asked.

"sojung told me." he said. i sighed. "typical sojung."

"oh, by the way, i got you a present for christmas!" i said, fishing the book out my bag. wonwoo smiled. "sorry, i didn't get to wrap it." i said, handing him the book.

he gasped and said, "thank you, haewon!" he said, as we walked our way to class.

as we were heading to our lockers, i could feel the students looking at me, they're either looking at me because i'm walking weirdly, or they're looking at me because they know about the incident that happened last month.

when i closed my locker, three girls passed me. "she's the one that almost got raped." one girl whispered, loud enough for me to hear. "really? wow she must be that dumb to almost get raped."

i turned around and gave them a "bitch, what did you say?" look, but they didn't see me. fortunately, wonwoo heard this and stood up for me.

"yah!" he said, catching the three girls' attention. "if you're gonna talk about her, might as well say it in front of her face." that frightened the girls, so they apologized and bowed.

suddenly, sojung came up to us with a smirk. "heh, what was that, wonwoo?"

"those stupid girls made fun of haewon for almost getting raped." wonwoo said. both of us shook our heads in disapproval.

"c'mon, sojung. let's get to class before we get late."

the next few months of school weren't that eventful, except for the fact that we consider jisoo and his squads as our friends now, not just some outcasts that sit on our table at random times.

it was now june, meaning that summer was coming in a month. i'm pretty excited, i mean, who can not be excited for summer?

i also made a conclusion, that i really do like jisoo, more than a friend. i'm willing to confess to him anytime soon, but i don't know how.

finals were also coming, meaning everyone was about to study their asses off. sigh, so much fun.


word count: 1139 words

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