Chapter 18

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Lisa's POV

It was early in the morning when I woke up to a weird noise. Everything was dark in the room but I saw that Lauren's bed was empty. I didn't even saw her going to bed last night because I was already asleep.

My heart started to beat faster. Where was she? I jumped out of my bed and went to the door. We had a planner on there for all of our events. And then I realized, today was Wednesday. I run down the stairs and saw my sister opening the front door.
I knew she wanted to be alone, but I just couldn't accept that. Not anymore. I wanted to give her some space. But I couldn't let her walk out that front door with the possibility of her to never come back.

"Hey", I said. Lauren turned around looking at me with tired eyes.

"Hey" she said quietly. Then she looked down and played nervously with her fingers.

"You're going to the library?" I asked.

She sighed and nodded.

I swallowed hard. "And... ca... can I come with you?" I asked. I had no idea, how I suddenly was more brave than the day before.

Lauren looked up and now I saw her swallowing. She sighed and I was sure she would say no. But then she nodded, yes and my heart jumped a little. I almost cried but I held back the tears.

"Okay, cool, great. I mean... just, let me change really quick, okay?"

She nodded again and even though I was really scared that she would sneak out when I turned around to go upstairs, I knew I had to trust her now.

I changed as fast as I could and brushed my teeth. Then I grabbed my shoes my phone and my keys and went back. Lauren didn't move and I almost cried again, when I saw her still standing there with her bookbag on her back.

"Okay, I'm ready. I can drive us" I suggested and Lauren nodded again.

Both of us were quiet while driving through dawn. I parked behind the library and then we walked in. Lauren walked up the stairs and then she sat down on of the armchairs. I sat down on another one.

Suddenly my sister handed me a book. I took it and looked at her confused. For a moment it almost looked like she was smiling.

"It's a library. It's all about books", she reminded me. I took it from her and nodded.

"It's really good. You should read it" she said immediately after that and I had to smile.

About one hour later my phone rang. It was Christina. I wondered what she wanted so I took the call even though I probably wasn't allowed to in the library.

"Hey Chris..." I couldn't finish cause she interrupted.


Oops. I might have forgotten to tell our family where we were going. Lauren looked at me with a guilty conscience and I almost had to laugh.

"Calm down, Christina! I'm sorry. We're together. At the library."

"Wait, what?"

"Sorry. I forgot to tell you."

"You forgot? Are you serious?"

"I'm sorry."

"We were worried sick! Mom cried because she thought Lauren might try again."

"I'm sorry."

"Well, just come home, okay?" I realized how scared my family must be and suddenly felt really sorry, too. Christina hang up so I pushed my phone back into my pocket. Carefully I moved my head to see Lauren packing her bag again.

"I guess we need to go back" I said and Lauren nodded signing.

"Are you okay with it?"

Lauren shrugged. She almost seemed scarred. Maybe it was because now she has to spend her first Wednesday in forever home. My palms got wet because I wanted to say the right thing to her but I felt like we were so far away. I felt like no word was strong enough to keep the bond.

"We'll do this together, okay?" It probably was the most stupid thing I could've said. First she looked at me with a hurt expression but then her face softened and she nodded lightly.

Again we were quiet while I drove the car. I just realized the closer we got the more nervous Lauren played with her fingers. I wanted to put my hand on top of hers and stop her from being so nervous. But I knew I would push her too fast with it. So I desperately tried to think about something else to do.

"How about a milkshake?" Not my best shot but maybe not my worst.

"Aren't we supposed to go back immediately?"

"Oh well, they'll survive us having a little sugar break from all their craziness, right?"

"But I don't have any money on me."

"Me neither. Let's go", I said.

I parked in front of that little café we used to go for milkshakes all the time and then I took Lauren's arm and dragged her with me.

There was a guy at the counter smiling at us.

"We need two chocolate milkshakes" I said which probably sounded really impolite.

"Sure" he said after hesitation.

"But we don't have any money", I explained. Now he was really confused.

"Well, then..."

"My sister has diabetes and is really low on sugar. She needs it really fast!" I explained. He hesitated.

"She really does need it." I looked at him with my best serious face.

He looked at us and then he actually did make us a milkshake each and gave it to us.

"You are a true hero" I said and smiled at him.

When Lauren and I were at the door he called us back. "She doesn't have diabetes, right?"

I sighed. "Well, no. But a really shitty day."

"Then I guess you should enjoy the milkshakes. Hopefully your day is getting better."

And finally when we stepped outside I listened to that small giggle that I wanted to hear so bad for such a long time. I slowly looked over to my sister who carefully took a sip of her cup before giggling

And I couldn't help myself bursting in laughter. It was Wednesday but I finally saw Lauren laugh a little.
Well at least before we were back home where there would be chaos again.

I just tried to remind myself that the distance between is not fully gone only because of one day. I mean maybe we were a little closer but our bond was still far away. I just hoped we would get better.         

Finally a Laurisa moment. I hope you liked it! So there's only one chapter left. Thank you all so much for your support! You are amazing! :)

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